[I could have sworn that I had posted this already. But our local log and history files say I did not. Please tell me if you saw this already --clh] 1. ALL schools function with a fundamental philosophy. This philosophy must of necessity guide all activites of the school and set its policies. 2. All schools must take a moral position even if the position is one of amorality. 3. Al students within the school are under the authority of the school and are to be trained, instructed, indoctrinated by that school. 4. A theocentric philosophy will eventually prefer a given religion or define its own theological subset of beliefs and practices. SO..a student can NOT be expected to maintain whatever religious or philosophic training given by its parents under the pressure and or authority of the school. Indeed the usual intent of the parent is that the school re-inforce or take over this level of authority of the parent. I conclude that it is UNREASONABLE for a student not to be thelogically or morally or ethically changed by its time in ANY school. SO to guarantee the students and parents right to religiously educate without duress then PUBLIC EDUCATION should not be based on Christian principles SOLEY. It should not be based on ANY sectarian principles since it would INEVITABLY favor one SECT. This was the status of public education being the de-facto religious schools of Protestant America up until the 1960's when the secular humanists started taking over. Two solutions proposed: 1. NO PUBLIC EDUCATION. 2. A VOUCHER SYSTEM OF EQUAL PAYMENTS TO ANY AND ALL STUDENTS. THIS IMPLIES THAT PUBLIC EDUCATION COULD EXIST BY CHARGING TUITION AND MUST COMPETE WITH THE PRIVATE/RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS F A I R L Y. THE PARENT is responsible for the child NOT the government!! Let them shoulder their educational responsibility.