[mod.religion.christian] Answered Prayers --- thank you for your prayers

christian@topaz.UUCP (04/05/87)


Wanted to thank you for your prayers that I asked for months ago.
God has answered them!  You remember I mentioned my wife had
reinjured a ruptured disk (according to a CT scan), my son had
a series of eye infections (3 in something like 3 months), the flu,
and another virul infection; and we have a water problem in our

A couple of weeks ago, my wife was in seeing a Physical Therapist.
While massaging here back, the therapist heard something go pop.
My wife has felt great since.  My son is just fine, the recent
infection cleared up.  Kris is taking him in today to see if
a nose drainage problem might be related to allergies(?).  Your
prayers there are appreciated.  As for the water problem in our
basement - two things: God is helping me overcome my anger with
the people who sold us the house, accepting what is as part of a
plan He's worked out, or is working out.  And my wife and I have
reprioritized our wants and needs and decided to focus on other
needs - a decision we feel good with.  During those 3+ months when
everything seemed to go upside down, I suffered a pinched
nerve in my neck, got strep throat, and hurt my own back.
They have all totally cleared up.

The number and severity of the illnesses and injuries we
suffered in those 3+ months is very unusual for us.
I believe satan can be involved, along with natural causes.
Our prayers and God's-love-at-work (Grace) do make the difference
for all of us, in every part of our lives.  Let's spend a moment
each day, even now, to say a quick prayer to God in thanksgiving
for His Grace, and in petition for an openess and willingness on
our part to receive and use His Grace, and share it.

All God's Blessings,

Your Brother in Christ,

Mike Andrews (PTL)