[soc.women] Boys vs. Girls, paternaty suits etc.

falk@sun.UUCP (10/15/86)

>			 ...  So I propose another scenario. 
>      A couple engages in PROTECTED sexual intercourse
>      She (they!) becomes pregnant anyway
>      SHE says 'abortion', HE says "WHAT?!  Kill MY BABY?!"  And she, in
> deference to his moral feelings on the subject, has the child.  Now what?
> Do you still say he shouldn't be legally forced to pay child support?

Not at all.  As I said before, if it's a mutual decision nobody has the right
to cop out later.  In fact in this scenario, I would find it perfectly
reasonable for the woman to choose to bow out, let the man adopt the child
to raise by himself and be freed of all further obligations.  If HE wants
the child and she doesn't, let HIM take all the responsibility and
expense.  In fact, he owes her his thanks for doing him the favor of
carrying the child to term.

It sounds like you're talking about someone you know.  I know a couple
who were in that situation.  He talked her out of an abortion and then
did the right thing and married her.  If the guy you are referring to
tried to make the woman raise the kid by herself after talking her out
of an abortion, he deserved to wind up in court.

Following the example of the person who posted an algorithm, I will sum
up my beliefs as follows:

o Intentional pregnancy, both parties want to have & raise child:
	Neither person has the right to cop out later, both should
	contribute to child's upbringing.

o Accidental pregnancy, both parties agree to have & raise child:
	Same as above.

o Accidental pregnancy, woman wants an abortion:
	End of discussion, nobody has the right to tell her what to
	do with her body.  If man agrees with abortion, he should pay
	half of all incurred expenses.

o Accidental pregnancy, woman can't/won't have abortion but doesn't want child:
	In this case, put child up for adoption (nobody should be forced to
	raise a child they don't want).  If man wants child, he gets first
	dibs on adoption.  Restrictions/red tape vis a' vis single parent
	adoption should be waived for father of child.  Second dibs on
	adoption go to adoptive parents of woman's choice.  Otherwise
	adoption handled by agencies.  If man agrees with adoption, he
	should pay half of all incurred expenses.  If woman bears child
	as a favor to man who then adopts it, he should pay ALL of incurred

o Accidental pregnancy, woman wants child, man doesn't:
	Man should be allowed to bow out if he wants to (nobody should raise
	a child they don't want).  By bowing out, man permanently loses
	all access (visitation rights etc.) to child.

o Woman intentionally gets pregnant against man's wishes:
	Same as above.

o Man intentionally gets woman pregnant against her wishes:
	All choice remains with woman.  Man should be required to pay for
	entirety of abortion costs if woman chooses abortion.  Man should
	be required to pay for entirety of maternity costs if woman
	chooses to carry child to term.  If woman chooses to keep child,
	man's responsibility ends when woman has recuperated from pregnancy.
	If woman chooses adoption, man does NOT get first dibs on child
	(as punishment for being an asshole; nobody should ever be allowed
	to profit from their wrongdoings).

Did I leave any cases out?

		-ed falk, sun microsystems