kostolni@camb.com (03/19/91)
AWSDA, the American Women's Self Defense Association, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to promoting women's awareness about rape prevention and self defense. FBI statistics indicate that one in ten women will be raped. Some studies have shown that one in four women may be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. These figures, if correct, are abhorrent and AWSDA is trying to do something about it. AWSDA is in the process of setting up programs to do things such as national advertising campaigns, and maintaining a referral database of services available for victims of violent crimes. AWSDA helps to further educate male and female self defense and rape prevention instructors by holding an annual seminar and by publishing a quarterly newsletter. Through sharing our expertise (particularly via the newsletter and annual seminars) AWSDA brings together all of those people interested in women's self defense. In order to continue to achieve these goals and more, AWSDA needs the support of interested, motivated persons. We need you - men and women who care enough to show their support for AWSDA. Men and women from all walks of life and all backgrounds. Together we can make a difference. Call or write to the address below or e-mail to "eileen@camb.com" for more information and an application form. If you e-mail to me, please be sure to include your postal mailing address. We look forward to hearing from you. The AWSDA philosophy is reflected in our motto: "You have an absolute right to defend yourself!" American Women's Self Defense Association 713 N. Wellwood Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Attention: Elizabeth Kennedy (516) 226-8383 or, e-mail to me: Eileen S. Kostolni at ``eileen@camb.com''