[soc.women] recent supreme court decision

rivero@dev8a.mdcbbs.com (05/30/91)

[Note that I set the followups to go to talk.abortion, which is the appropriate
forum for discussion of the morality of the supreme court decision.      - MHN]

If you get opinions.supreme-court at your site, you might want to
check out the actual texts of the recent supreme court decision
regarding abortion counseling in federally funded clinics. I
recommend reading the actual texts, as the media coverage has
had some innacuracies.

\\\\    Michael Rivero      | "I drank WHAT!" |"Why bother with marriage?|
  (.    rivero@dev8a.mdcbbs | Socrates  -------------------Just find a   |
   )>   DISCLAIMER:::       |-----------| "Life is CHEAP! |woman you hate
  ==    "Hey man, I wasn't  |Looking4luv| But toilet paper|and buy her a |
---/    even here then!"    |Settle4sex!| is EXPENSIVE!"  |  house!"     |