[soc.motss] straights in gay bars

mgdlin@beryl.berkeley.edu (Gary D. Lindsay) (09/19/86)

In article <328@aw.sei.cmu.edu.sei.cmu.edu> dvk@sei.cmu.edu (Daniel Klein) writes:
>Can I smile at you and say hello?  Will you not get some gratification from
>that?  Yeah, yeah, my side again, but I like it when *anyone* smiles at
>me and says hello (except maybe for gang members with bared steel, or Elvis
Yes, Daniel, you can smile at me (:-)).  But how many straight
men smile at other men (especially strangers)?  Unfortunately,
the thin line between friendliness/male-bonding on the one hand
and homophobic reaction on the other, is very much feared in a 
society that views sexual variation as intensely threatening.

>Hmm... a gay rodeo.  What a novel concept.  Absolutely deadpan serious
>question - do you do anything different?  Or is it just gay riders/ropers?
Well, some people try bronc busting sidesaddle, but it's
murder on spikes....  :-)  (Sorry Rob, I couldn't resist)
Seriously though, the Reno folks (I think CHamber of Commerce)
tried to ban the Gay rodeo a while back as a homophobic
reaction to AIDS.  'Nuff said, we've already beat to death the
casual transmission topic.  I think that shows a real need for
even something as non-sexual-orientated as a rodeo being run
by and for Gay/Lesbian people.

>...  I started reading this newsgroup with the intention of
>being an observer, and *learning*.  I got carried away, especially when I
>compare some of the herein expressed opinions and my own experiences.  I'll
>try and sit back and watch again, but if I fail in this attempt, please forgive
>me my intrusions as being basically well intended.  I know that there are
>lots of prejudiced assholes out there.  Some of us are exceptions, though.
OK, Dan, as far as I'm concerned you're welcome to continue to
observe or participate in motss.  What I remember you saying
is no more outrageous than some of us have written, and
certainly less bizarre than some hostile writers, who may
remain nameless, althouhg-we-all-know-who-they-are.

mgdlin@beryl.berkeley.EDU, soon to be c/o