[net.sf-lovers] Convention economics.


From: Peter G. Trei <OC.TREI@CU20B.ARPA>

	To add fuel to the debate on the motivations and goals for running
SF Cons, I here give some figures on LACon II, the 1984 WorldCon, which
appeared in Locus #290

Sponsored by the Southern California Institute for Fan Interests (SCIFI)

8214 attended, membership 9406

Hucksters: 175 dealers, 200 tables.
Art Show:  269 artists,	2711 pieces, $112,000+ sales

Convention profit: nearly $200,000

How the profit was distributed:

	To reimburse volunteer speakers, staff and helpers,
on a sliding scale from membership to full expenses (depending
on time worked):						$65,000
	Bidding for '90 in LA:					$20,000
	Consortium to Bail Out Constellation:			$10,000
	To LASFS to improve club facilities:			$10,000
	To NESFA for clubhouse fund:				$10,000
	To Richard Eney, publisher of the Fancyclopedia III,
the delayed Con book:						 $7,500
	To TAFF, DUFF, and GUFF, (in 6 $500 chunks), provided
a previous winner writes a trip report before each chunk is
given:								 $3,000
	To Aussiecon II, sponsoring con suite refreshments:	 $2,000
	To the Fan Fund Publishing Project:			 $1,000
	To the British Columbia SF Association, to defray
losses at V-Con 12:						   $500

	About $65,000 is being held for uses determined to be of benefit
to fandom, such as thankyou parties at conventions, a cooperative
organization for SF clubs, and aid for clubs and cons in trouble. SCIFI
would like to hear suggestions for further uses (write to SCIFI, Box 8442,
Van Nuys, Ca 91409).

	Is $22 an excessive fee? (There  WAS a $10 badge available  on
Sunday afternoon.)

All these prices are pulled out of  the same issue of Locus. They  are
at-door admission prices for  3 day cons, NOT including a banquet,  if
any. Of course, this is not a random selection; but it shows that NESFA
is not totally off the wall:

Norwescon 8			$25
Nadacon				$39 ($13/day)
Balticon 19			$25
Deltacon			$25
Fantasy Worlds Festival		$30
Alti-Egos			$35
Baycon '85			$35
CostumeCon 3			$30
Hatcon '85			$35
Con Amore (Australia)		A$30
Shadowcon IX			$25
Westercon 38			>$30
MythCon XVI			>$31.50
Aussicon II (5 day Worldcon)	$60
More Easterly Con		>$25.60
Nasfic 1985 (4? days)		~$50
World Fantasy Convention	>$35
ConCon 2			$30
Confederation (5 day Worldcon   >$45

By the way; the LOWEST membership appears to be $1, for an 'apocryphal'
membership at MediaWest*Con.

							Peter Trei