[soc.misc] 50 Years Ago: Wednesday, 8 November, 1939

military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker) (11/08/89)

From: military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker)

Wednesday, 8 November, 1939

On the anniversary of his 1923 putsch, Hitler speaks at the Burgerbrau
Keller beer hall in Munich, announcing Germany's preparedness to fight
and win a five-year war, if necessary.  Hitler leaves unexpectedly,
and 13 minutes later, a bomb explodes, killing seven and wounding
63, including Eva Braun's father.  

When told by Goebbels of the bombing, Hitler exclaims, "The fact that I 
left earlier than usual is a corroboration of Providence's intention
to let me reach my goal."   Germany's Catholic press declares his survival
a miraculous working of providence, and Cardinal Faulhaber instructs
that a Te Deum be sung in the Munich cathedral.  The Pope sends personal
congratulations to Hitler.

Berlin sources claim that the plot bears traces of foreign origin, 
and offers a reward of 500,000 marks (about $200,000) for information 
identifying the perpetrators.  Foreign sources, though, are quick to
claim that the bombing may be a ruse to bolster Hitler's popularity.
William Shirer opines that "it smells of another Reichstag fire."

First Sea Lord Churchill, in a speech before the House of Commons,
looks optimistically toward the sea war, declaring that the U-boats
were being mastered.   He also ridicules the numerous German claims
of sinking warships such as HMS Hood and Ark Royal, quipping that
he would be "content to engage the entire Germany Navy, using only
vessels which at one time or another they have declared they destroyed."

Reporters: Bob Beville (rbeville%tekig5.pen.tek.com@RELAY.CS.NET)
	   Tom Tedrick (tedrick@ernie.Berkeley.EDU) 

Reference: BERLIN DIARY, William L. Shirer

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Bill Thacker			            military@cbnews.att.com
Send submissions for "50 Years Ago" to military-request@att.att.com

"The reply to this crime, therefore, cannot be doubted.  Now all enemies 
of the State still in the territory of the Greater German Reich will
be harshly cleaned out." - Volkischer Beobachter, Nazi Party paper