harwood@cvl.UUCP (David Harwood) (09/26/86)
Sorry (in advance of my sins) to interrupt any important rationalization of prejudice by devout Christians or Jews (or Significant Others) -- whether against female bus drivers, "J-A princesses", or "X-ians". [Please send me no mail -- I am already sorry.] Anyway, today's paper (Washington Post for 9/25/86) reports the usual -- French UN peacekeepers killed in Lebanon; Israel amassing troops; Iran amassing troops; Shamir says peace is impossible with terrorist Syria; Israeli warplanes again retaliate in Lebanon; Pat Robertson for President. (But no further word on Sharon for King in 88.) I ignore news about the very benevolence of the Soviet Union, since it doesn't claim to be either 'a shining city on the hill' or 'light to the nations' or some other glowing presence. (Although recently it talks about 'sacred' somethings...hmm.) Back to the news: There will soon be visiting the U.S. an Israeli exhibit of interesting relics -- including part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the "Habakkuk commentary" found at Qumran. What is word from these Essene cousins of Christians and Jews, whose thought and practice was so important for early Christianity? Among other things, we have this from the Qumran "Habakkuk Commentary" (coming soon) -- all of it concerning violence, injustice, and false religion. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ... [***Behold the nations and see, marvel and be astonished; for I accomplish a deed in your days but you will not believe it when told.*** Hab1.5] [Interpreted, this concerns] those who were unfaithful together with the Liar (cf Thess. 'Beliar'), in that they [did] not [listen to the word received by] the Teacher of Righteousness from the mouth of God. And it concerns the unfaithful of the New [Covenant] in that they have not believed in the Covenant of God [and have profaned] His Holy Name. (ie there are 2 false religious groups, according to Qumran thinking - the Jerusalem establishment and the apostates or 'unfaithful' among Qumran-ers) And likewise, this saying is to be interpreted [as concerning those who] will be unfaithful at the end of days. They, the men of violence and breakers of the Covenant, will not believe when they here all that [is to happen to] the final generation from the Priest [in whose heart] God set [understanding] that he might interpret all the words of His servants the Prophets, through whom He foretold all that would happen to His people and [His land]. ... ***For behold, I rouse the Chaldeans, that [bitter and hasty] nation.*** Hab 1.6a. Interpreted, this concerns the Kittim (then Romans) [who are] quick and valiant in war, causing many to perish. [All the world shall fall] under the dominion of the Kittim, and the [wicked...] they shall not believe in the laws of [God...] ...(Commentary on Hab 1.14-16) ...the Kittim. And they shall gather in their riches, together with all their booty, 'like the fish of the sea.' And as for that which He said, 'Therefore they sacrifice to their net and burn incense to their seine': interpreted, this means they sacrifice to their standards and worship weapons of war... (By the way, some Christians may know what was the famous allusion by Jesus to 'the abomination of desolation, standing in the Temple.' It alludes to Daniel who refers to a statue (cf Rev13) set up by the false priesthood, honoring a pagan diety (Zeus Olympios (Greek)= Jupiter Capitolinus (Roman)), desecrating the Temple, resulting in the Maccabean revolt against Antiochus IV. But what many do not realize is that this 'diety' was a god of war, identified later with national defense of Rome. This event had profound influence on subsequent Jewish apocalyptic thinking. Also recall that the Gospels were written after a similar event (a few years after Jesus' death) -- the infamous Emporer Caligula had his statue erected in the Temple, leading to another disastrous revolt. Also, the book of Enoch I, found in part at Qumran, quoted in the NT book of Jude, considered very important by earliest Christian authorities because of its religious ideology -- blames 'fallen angels' (apostate sons of God) for help creating the ancient beastlike Giants (Genesis Nephilim= ancient superpowers like the famous Amalek of Torah), corrupting mankind with false religion (spiritual "adultery" with the world) and with technology of warfare. This was the early pre-Christian Jewish interpretation of the reason for the "Flood" which destroyed the world, said to be omnipresent "wickedness" in Genesis. By the way, an ancient Hebrew meaning for this "Flood" is "destruction" -- not overflooding by water. Water signified chaos. We might say the ancient Giant superpowers eventually were engulfed by their own destructiveness. The deutero-canonical (Catholic), pre-Christian book of Baruch mentions that these Giants (Beasts or Superpowers) were destroyed because of their bad faith and violence. [I mention these things because there was once a discussion about what was the meaning of "Nephilim" -- if you believe Qumran or Jesus' later warning about the Flood -- We have met the Enemy and he is us.] Anyway, the Qumran-ers lived sometime after this horrible desecration of true faith by an alien superpower god of war, what Daniel calls 'a god unknown to your fathers...an alien god ... a god of fortresses .. honored with great wealth...' Doesn't much sound like 'an alien god' to me - sounds almost popular these days...The Apocalyptist John says, referring false religion and wordwide taxation and conscription for the Imperial State, that the false prophet honors the Beast, and "no one could buy or sell without the mark of the Beast..." At any time since WWII, ~25 percent of the nations have been at war, while the US/USSR each sell ~one third of the armaments. Even the bankrupt state of modern Israel has as its principal export weapons. Today's paper discloses that more billions of illegal aid are going to the Iran/Iraq war from both US/USSR (and Israel apparently). One million casualities already - very profitable to all, war+religion=$$$. Today, the total world military expenditure is greater than the combined income of the poorer half of the human race..."City on a hill" -- "Light of the nations". Like hell, thus saith the Lord. (Continuing with the Qumran "Habakkuk Commentary" which will be visiting us...) ***I will take my stand to watch and will station myself upon my fortress. I will see what He will say to me and how [He will answer] my complaint. And the Lord answered [and said to me, 'Write down the vision and make it plain] upon the tablets, that [he who reads] may read it speedily. Hab 2.1-2. ...(Q commentary) and God told Habakkuk to write down that which would happen in the final generation, but He did not make known tohim when time would come to an end... ***For there shall be yet another vision concerning the appointed time. It shall tell of the end and shall not lie.*** Hab2.3a Interpreted, this means that the final age shall be prolonged, and shall exceed all that the Prophets have said; for the mysteries of God are astounding. ... ***[But the righteous shall live by his faith]*** Hab 2.4b Interpreted, this concerns all those who observe the Law in the House of Judah (self-designation of Qumran community), who God will deliver from the House of Judgment because of their suffering and because of theirfaith in the Teacher of Righteousness. (Remark: this verse is important in Pauline letters.) ***Moreover, the arrogant man seizes wealth without halting. He widens his gullet like Hell and like Death he never has enough. All the nations are gathered to him and all the peoples are assembled to him. Will they not all of them taunt him and jeer at him saying, 'Woe to him who amasses that which is not his! How long will he load himself up with pledges?'*** Hab 2.5-6 Interpreted, this concerns the Wicked Priest who was called by the name of truth when he first arose. But when he ruled over Israel his heart became proud, and he forsook God and betrayed the precepts for the sake of riches. He robbed and amassed the riches of men of violence who rebelled against God, and he took the wealth of the peoples, heaping sinful iniquity upon himself. And he lived in the ways of abominations amidst every unclean defilement. ***Because of the blood of men and the violence done to the land, to the city, and to all the inhabitants (2.8b) ... ***Woe to him who gets evil profit for his house; who perches his nest high to be safe from the hand of evil! You have devised shame to your house; by cutting off many peoples you have forfeited your own soul. For the [stone] cries out [from] the wall [and] the beam from the woodwork replies (2.12-13) ... ***Woe to him who builds a city with blood and founds a town upon falsehood! Behold, is it not from the Lord of Hosts that the peoples shall labour for fire and the nations shall strive fro naught? ... ***[For the violence done to Lebanon shall overwhelm you, and the destruction of the beasts shall terrify you, because of the blood of men and the violence done to the land, the city, and all its inhabitants.*** Hab 2.18 Interpreted, this saying concerns the Wicked Priest, inasmuch as he shall be paid the reward he himself tendered to the Poor. For "Lebanon" is the Council of the Community; and hte "beasts" are the Simple of Judah (ie the simple faithful) who keep the Law. As he himself, plotted the destruction of the Poor, so will God condemn him to destruction. And as for that which he said, "Because of the blood of the city and the violence done in the land": interpreted, "the city" is Jerusalem where the Wicked Priest committed abominable deeds and defiled the Temple of God. "The violence done to the land": these are the cities of Judah where he robbed the Poor of their posessions. ***Of what use is an idol that its maker should shape it, a molten image, a fatling of lies? For the craftsman puts his trust in his own creation when he makes dumb idols. *** Hab 2.18 Interpreted, this saying concerns all the idols of the nations which they make so that they may serve and worship them. But they shall not deliver tham on the Day of Judgment. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// So this is the Qumran "Commentary on Habakkuk" which visits us... David Harwood
harwood@cvl.UUCP (David Harwood) (09/26/86)
In my previous article, above, I was quoting the translation of the Qumran 'Habakkuk Commentary" given by G. Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English. Also see T.H. Gaster's compilation. Qumran Enoch can be found in Milik and Black's The Books of Enoch; Ethiopian version of Enoch I (with Son of Man references in the "Similtudes" not found at Qumran) is included among The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Charlesworth, ed).