[soc.culture.jewish] New idea from Meah Sharim

C33@TAUNIVM.BITNET (Pinyele) (10/01/86)

To the Jewish community out there,                                 B"H

The following are some ideas about a new concept in prayer, suggested by
a Bresslover Hassid who studies in Papa's Yeshivah (Hungarian's from the
old yishuv) in Meah Sharim, Jerusalem.  The purpose is to break out of the
habit of just repeating the same thing every time we pray.  We want the
prayer to be alive and meaningful and thought the following approach might

The ideas presented here are terse and assume knowledge of a regular
orthodox prayer service.  Please send and comments/queries to the above
address.  Shana Tova Ve'tikateyvu.

Simon's Kibbutz Fantasy No. 247

Ideas for an Orthodox Minyan (Kasher according to halacha):

1) Active-Passive:  Those wishing to participate, in special place,
standing, shtender facing Jerusalem; those wishing to just watch,
Yotzai-Zayin, seated seperated from actors.

2) Each person chooses Sidur with Nusach to his liking.  READY, GO!

3) Start from left to right, each person says a definite piece, one
Bracha of Shachar for each person, one guy Baruch Sheamar, the next
Mizmor LeTodah, etc.  A mizmor to a person.  Ashrei goes pasuk by pasuk,
same with Az Yashir.

4) No silent Shemonah Esreh, Amidah said Bracha by Bracha with Kedusha
in proper place.

5)  The idea is, its circular. When last guy says his piece, back to
first guy. To avoid confusion, he doesn't say until touched by the
person next to him.

6) The point is - scream our the words, loud, be Motzai the other guys
the piece you're saying.  Any language is okay.
Pinyele, the Honolulu Hassid     c33@taunivm.bitnet