[soc.culture.indian] Yakim Martillo's comments

nandhu@ut-ngp.UUCP (Nandhakumar.) (10/10/86)

Mr. Martillo's comments:

>I have also read this as well and I am not sure if I believe it.  If
>there is a knowledgeable Sikh on the net, I would be interested in
>comments.  I was under the impression Sikh religion rejected a lot of

     Mr. Martillo's comments seem to indicate that he is another one 
of those educated 'intellectual' Americans intent on forming strong
opinions on an Indic subject which he has little information about. 
He is looking for an ingeniously simple prescription for the
complex problem that the Sikh conflict involves. He knows little
of the culuture of India and probably will not learn much even from
a visit to India.  I doubt if any efforts by us will dissuade him
from his beliefs. 

      I have met others of his kind, some who are reputed
sociologists/anthropologists with many years of study in Indian ways.
They propound elegant theories about the Indian society which leads
to many publications. Ten years later they publish more papers commenting
on the drawbacks of the previous approach.  I recently attended a talk
by one (so called) expert who expressed great surprise because when visiting
India after a 20 year absence she found that discrimination 
based on caste differences (in a small village she had been studying) was
considerably less than it had been 20 years ago. Her evaluation in the past
had been that the government's efforts at reducing discrimination
were 'utopian' !!!

   I understand the feelings of frustration expressed by my fellow 
ex-patriots in trying to educate people like Mr. Martillo but I have
found that the effort involved is usually wasted.  Approaching cultural
issues such as the one Mr. Martillo is trying to understand takes more
than just an objective attitude (which I doubt he has) but also a degree
of sensitivity which many sociologists/anthropologists in the USA lack.
You must have heard of the term "Ugly American" being applied to some
American tourists.  They have their equivalents in the scientific community
as well and when it is found amongst sociologists/anthropologists/political-
scientists/etc. it seems to take on a very abrasive form.

  It's heartening to see the opposition to Mr. Martillo's theories.
                 Jai Hind !

N. Nandhakumar
Computer and Visions Res. Cntr, 
Univ of Texas, Austin
(P.S. This is my first posting on this net.)