marshek@ut-ngp.UUCP (MAt) (10/06/87)
Hi there, I would like to know about a good introductory text for AI and the LISP language. I have a background in C, fortran but I presume that does not help much, does it? MAt
munson@renoir.Berkeley.EDU (Ethan V. Munson) (10/07/87)
The text by Elaine Rich (called Artificial Intelligence (?)) is a decent basic introduction to AI. It is not very rigorous, though. A better text, but much harder to plow through, is by Charniak and McDermott. I think it is called An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. It deals with topics that are only a few years old and shows the data structures used in great detail. For LISP, both of these texts have brief introductions, but I recommend either of Wilensky's books. The most recent is on Common LISP, which is the emerging standard. The book is called Common LISPcraft. Ethan Munson ...ucbvax!renoir!munson
marshek@ut-ngp.UUCP (MAt) (10/08/87)
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank y'all sincerely for all the responses I received. Y'all are definitely an extremely co-operative bunch.... Mat