bottom@katadn.DEC (04/04/85)
***************SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!!!*************************************** I just finished Hechee Rendezvous and found a couple of inconsistancies tht are bothering me maybe you net folk caught something I missed. For example when Robin and Essie first let in the True Love she said that she didn't have room on the data fans for Sigfried Von Shrink, something to the effect that she should have left off the Gourmet cooking software and included the Shrink. Then when Albert goes off his rocker Robin calls up the Sigfreid program to help Albert get himself together. I don't get it. Also when Albert was explaining how he found the sailship and the Hechee ship he said that he calculated the number of seconds since the original sighting and then figured out how far the ship could have traveled in that time. How did he know which direction to go in? There was something else but I forget it now. Well net-folk your mission if you decide to accept is to help me understand how this all came about. Any comments? *db* dec-katadn!bottom