rapaport@cs.Buffalo.EDU (William J. Rapaport) (10/20/88)
UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK BUFFALO LOGIC COLLOQUIUM GRADUATE GROUP IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE and GRADUATE RESEARCH INITIATIVE IN COGNITIVE AND LINGUISTIC SCIENCES PRESENT RAYMOND J. NELSON Truman Handy Professor of Philosophy Case Western Reserve University CHURCH'S THESIS, CONNECTIONISM, AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE Wednesday, November 16, 1988 4:00 P.M. 684 Baldy Hall, Amherst Campus The Church-Turing Thesis (CT) is a central principle of contemporary logic and computability theory as well as of cognitive science (which includes philosophy of mind). As a mathematical principle, CT states that any effectively computable function of non-negative integers is general recursive; in computer and cognitive-science terms, it states that any effectively algorithmic symbolic processing is Turing comput- able, i.e., can be carried out by an idealized stored-program digital computer (one with infinite memory that never fails or makes mistakes). In this form, CT is essentially an empirical principle. Many cognitive scientists have adopted the working hypothesis that the mind/brain (as a cognitive organ) is some sort of algorithmic symbol- processor. By CT, it follows that the mind/brain is (or realizes) a system of recursive rules. This may be interpreted in two ways, depend- ing on two types of algorithm, free or embodied. A free algorithm is represented by any program; an embodied algorithm is one built into a network (such as an ALU unit or a neuronal group). CT is being challenged by connectionism, which asserts that many cogni- tive processes, including perception in particular, are not symbol processes, but rather subsymbol processes of entities that have no literal semantic interpretation. These are parallel, distributed, asso- ciative memory processes totally unlike serial, executive-driven, von Neumann computers. CT is also being challenged by evolutionism, which is a form of connectionism that denies that phylogenesis produces a mind/brain adapted to fixed categories or distal stimuli (even fuzzy ones). Computers deal only with fixed categories (either in machine language, codes such as ASCII, or declarations in higher-level languages). So, if connectionists are right, CT is false: there are processes that are provably (I will suggest a proof) effective and algo- rithmic but are not Turing-computable. However, if CT in empirical form is true, and if the processes involved are effective, then connectionism or, in general, anti-computationalism is false. A direct argument that does not appeal to CT but that tends to confirm it is that embodied algorithm networks as a matter of fact are parallel, distributed, associative, and subsymbolic even in von Neumann computers, not to say super-multiprocessors. Finally, I claim that the embodied algorithm network models are not only _not_ antithetical to evolutionism but dovetail nicely with the theory that the mind/brain evolves through the life of the individual. REFERENCES Edelman, G. (1987), _Neural Darwinism_ (Basic Books). Nelson R. J. (1988), ``Connections among Connections,'' _Behavioral & Brain Sci._ 11. Smolensky, P. (1988), ``On the Proper Treatment of Connectionism,'' _Behavioral & Brain Sci._ 11. There will be an evening discussion at a time and place to be announced. Contact John Corcoran, Department of Philosophy, 636-2444 for further information.