rapaport@cs.Buffalo.EDU (William J. Rapaport) (04/04/89)
UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK BUFFALO LOGIC COLLOQUIUM GRADUATE GROUP IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE and GRADUATE RESEARCH INITIATIVE IN COGNITIVE AND LINGUISTIC SCIENCES PRESENT JACEK PASNICZEK Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Department of Logic Marie Curie-Sklodowska University Lublin, Poland FIRST- AND HIGHER-ORDER MEINONGIAN LOGIC Meinongian logic is a logic based on Alexius Meinong's ontological views. Meinong was an Austrian philosopher who lived and worked around the turn of the century. He is known as a creator of a very rich objec- tual ontology including non-existent objects, and even incomplete and impossible ones, e.g., "the round square". Such objects are formally treated by Meinongian logic. The Meinongian logic presented here (M- logic) is not the only Meinongian one: there are some other theories that are formalizations of Meinong's ontology and that may be considered as Meinongian logics (e.g., Parsons's, Zalta's, Rapaport's, and Jacquette's theories). But the distinctive feature of M-logic is that it is a very natural and straightforward extension of classical first- order logic--the only primitive symbols of the language of M-logic are those occurring in the first-order classical language. Individual con- stants and quantifiers are treated as expressions of the same category. This makes the syntax of M-logic close to natural-language syntax. M- logic is presented as an axiomatic system and as a semantical theory. Not only is first-order logic developed, but the higher-order M-logic as well. Wednesday, April 26, 1989 4:00 P.M. 684 Baldy Hall, Amherst Campus For further information, contact John Corcoran, Dept. of Philosophy, 716-636-2444, or Bill Rapaport, Dept. of Computer Science, 716-636-3193.
rapaport@cs.Buffalo.EDU (William J. Rapaport) (11/03/89)
STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO BUFFALO LOGIC COLLOQUIUM 1989-1990 Third Meeting Co-sponsored by Math Dept. GEORGE WEAVER Philosophy Bryn Mawr College "RECENT RESULTS ON EQUATIONAL DEFINABILITY" Equational logics, having been used for centuries (e.g., by Boole), were made a domain of investigation in the 1930s by the American logician/mathematician Birkhoff. Since then, many results have been achieved by Scott, kalicki, Tarski, Craig, and others. Equational languages are currently being studied for their potential in computer programming. After presenting an introduction to the subject, Weaver will present some new results, including an analogue of the Beth defina- bility theorem, due to himself, McKenzie, and hebert (forthcoming _Trans. Am. Math. Soc._). Suggested reading: Henkin _AMM_ (1977) 597- 612, Tarski _Hanover Logic Colloquium_ (1968) 275-288. Thursday, November 9, 1989 4:00 P.M. 268 Capen Hall, Amherst Campus Dutch Treat Supper Follows, Place TBA ========================================================================= Fourth Meeting FRANCISCO RODRIGUEZ-CONSUEGRA Philosophy Institute Vilaseca (Spain) and Russel Archives, McMaster University (Canada) "THE ORIGINS OF RUSSELL'S THEORY OF RELATIONS" Tuesday, November 28, 1989 4:00 P.M. 260 Capen Hall, Amherst Campus ========================================================================= Fifth Meeting MICHAEL SCANLAN Philosophy Oregon State University "RECENT MISINTERPRETATIONS OF TARSKI'S CONVENTION T" Thursday, December 14, 1989 4:00 P.M. 268 Capen Hall, Amherst Campus ========================================================================= For further information, contact John Corcoran, Department of Philoso- phy, 716-636-2438 or 716-881-1640.