[net.sf-lovers] Speaking of Harlan...


From: Jackie <Burhans%ECLD@ECLA>

The movie  A Boy  and His  Dog  was playing  in my  neighborhood  this
weekend so, after hearing so much about it here on the net, I  decided
to go see it.  Now, if  you people had TOLD me  I would get to see  my
favorite Miami vice,  Sonny Crockett--well  I would have  gone to  see
this long ago.  Seriously,  I thought it  was a well-done,  fast-paced
little flick true to the Ellison  ironical mode.  This movie, I  might
add, "watched"  very  much  like  a short  story  (fast  pace,  clever
dialogue, ends with a twist...).

If any  of you  personally  know any  writers  you may  recognize  the
following phenomena: you know the person and what they sound like  and
you read  one of  their  publised works--be  it  a book,  magazine  or
newspaper article AND you find  yourself reading it "in their  voice."
That is, you "hear" the story  in their voice, with their  inflections
and intonations.  Well,  I found myself  experiencing the opposite  of
this with this movie. I don't know Harlan Ellison--but I have read one
of his short stories (Repent, Harlequin...which I really enjoyed!) and
many of  his  columns  for the  L.A.Weekly  and  I have  even  seen  a
videotaped interview with himself.  Maybe its just that he has a  very
recognizable style...

Anyway, this movie was in a double-feature with Repo-man, (I guess R-M
doesn't really qualify  as SF, but  it was how  shall we say,  intense
(and filmed in my neighborhood!)). A real fun evening!