[net.sf-lovers] Silent Running, Battlestar Galaticia. Buck Rogers



>>It seems that the cylons (remember them?) were just a little *too*
>>much like silver Darth Vaders to sit well with Fox.  The producers
>>of BG (Paramount, I think) filed a counter suit claiming that Star
>>Wars infringed on their movie, you guessed it, Silent Running.
>>Apparently they felt that R2D2 was an awful lot like Huey, Luey,
>>and Dewy from SR.

>No wonder that BG used the ships from Silent running as part of the
>fleet.  I also noticed that the interior of the Vipers and the
>interior of the Starfighter from Buck Rogers (yes I still watch that
>show every weekend) are very similar.  Same producers no doubt.

Battlestar Galatcica and Buck Rogers were both filmed and produced at
Universal Studios. (In fact if you ever visit there you will still see
sets used in both shows.) Douglas Trumbul, if memory serves correctly
did the specical effects on
all three movies, (Battlestar G, Buck Rogers, Silent Running). Universal
got the footage from SR from him to use in Battlestar. I'm guessing at
