[talk.bizarre] Me and Ramona

mikeb@tekfdi.UUCP (Mike Boyce) (08/24/86)

[This line contains RAT POISON. But then they never eat rat poison]

	Last night I had a revelation. God's own dog, Ramona, appeared 
	to me and said that anyone posting to talk.[garbled] would
	receive a 'Get out of Hell free' card. (offer expires sometime
	in September. Void where prohibited by law. Allow 6 weeks for 
	delivery.) I then asked Ramona if this was a dream or real. She
	barked twice. (I think that means yes.) My only problem was
	should I post to talk.religion or talk.bizarre. My reasoning
	for posting here is that those people in talk.religion take
	life to seriously. If I'm wrong I can always trade the door
	I chose for the box Cheryl Hanson is now holding. And if all
	else fails I can plead ignorance. After all ignorance is 9/10
	of reality.

					Mickey Mick Mick at your ....


--- ---			o Six in the 1st place
------- 45		  'In consequence disorder is brought into 
------- TS'UI 		   the sphere of his union:' - his mind and
--- --- Gathering	   aim are thown into confusion. He is just
--- --- Together	   another Bozo on this bus. Don't forget to
--- ---			   inflate your shoes.
