@RUTGERS.ARPA:maxson%vaxwrk.DEC@decwrl.ARPA (03/24/85)
From: maxson%vaxwrk.DEC@decwrl.ARPA (VAXworks dtn 223-9408) "The Number of the Beast", by Robert Heinlein was mentioned in an inquiry - sorry, forgot who asked. If you were wondering about the quality of this story, I have disappointing news for you. Namely, it Bites the proverbial Big One. It's awful. Wretched, not worth the paper, and so on. I am a great fan of Heinlein, and I guarantee no sane human could like this book. Heinlein suffered a stroke and wrote this book as therapy during his recovery - and it stands as a tragic depiction of muddled thinking, ranting, obsession and mania. It was a great joy to us Heinlein fans when "Friday" appeared, signaling the recovery of RAH, the Dragon who Would Not Die. If you read it, don't let your impression of Heinlein become tarnished. Number of the Beast is a fluke, and clearly an exception to the other excellent works Heinlein has given us. maxson%vaxwrk.DEC@decwrl.ARPA Posted: Sat 23-Mar-1985 15:52 EST To: RHEA::DECWRL::"SF-LOVERS@RUTGERS.ARPA"
crm@duke.UUCP (Charlie Martin) (03/26/85)
Odd, I actually *liked* Number of the Beast. -- Opinions stated here. Charlie Martin (...mcnc!duke!crm)
@RUTGERS.ARPA:Joseph.Henr@Xerox.ARPA (03/27/85)
From: Brenda <Joseph.Henr@XEROX.ARPA> >>It's awful. Wretched, not worth the paper, and so on. I am a great >>fan of Heinlein, and I guarantee no sane human could like this book.... FLAME HIGH ----- Well, its always nice to know what other people think of you, even when they've never met you!! I think we should leave personal attacks out of the reviews on this DL. While it does illustrate the extent of your feelings, I think that another way could be found -- one that does not insult or degrade other human beings who have as much right to their opinions as you do to yours. FLAME OFF ----- Anyway, about TNOTB -- I liked it, all except the ending. It was definitely not Heinlein's best, probably the worst, but it had its moments. The encounter of two of my all-time favorite protagonists and the alternate universes made reading this book worthwhile for me. It is obviously written for the author, much in the same way Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions was his 50th (40th?) birthday present to himself. If you have never read any Heinlein, I would not reccomend you read TNOTB first. Anything earlier is fantastic (yes, I admit it -- I'm a Heinlein fan), and Friday is definitely better, although still not up to his usual standards. JOB, however, is fantastic and by far one of the best books ~Brenda
reh1366@hou2b.UUCP (R.HOWARD) (03/29/85)
Having read most of the books discussed in TNoTB, I found it rather interesting. One thing I didn't get, though, was the true nature of "mellrooney" Tom Easton of Analog claimed that it was an anagram, but it must be from a work with which I am unfamiliar. Just who was the Beast? Thanks Rich Howard Bell Labs Holmdel, NJ hou2b!reh1366
From: Janice <MDC.JANICE%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA> The Number of the Beast was one of the biggest disappointments I have ever experienced. As one of the few people who will admit to liking Time Enough for Love, and having been assured by Spider Robinson in his review in Analog than anyone who liked TEfL would love TNotB, I ran right out and got it. I managed to get through it once. I recently donated it to a library, realizing I was never, ever going to read it again. Heinlein committed two unforgiveable sins in this book. First, he set up a plot (which I actually enjoyed) early in the book and then just let it peter out without a proper resolution. Second, and worse, the entire ending is an in-joke to please himself. I am told, reliably, that the characters, names, etc. in the last chapter are hacks on Midwest sf fans the Heinleins know. I spent *days* trying to figure that chapter out, wondering if I was just stupid or something. This is not even to mention the everlasting arguments and absolutely ludicrous female characters (I don't know anyone who's ever heard a nipple go "spang!"). Janice -------