From: FEBER@USC-ISIB.ARPA There have been 5 (that's five) books published by Tim Powers. Some months ago Powers was on Hour-25 (a local [LA] Friday night radio show on Pacifica's KPFK concerning itself with SF - often abominable, but occasionally interesting when they have a good guest), and he referred to all 5. While skulking around a local used bookstore I came across one of them - Epitaph in Rust by Timothy Powers (you can tell it's the same guy because Ashbless gets mentioned early on and the hero is mutilated by the end of the book, odd that). It was published by Laser books some time in the 70s (it's on loan at the moment, so I can't be precise). It was published before any of the three currently in print, but has the same setting as Dinner at Deviant's Palace. In fact, it looks like the latter was built on the ruins of Epitaph. Anyway, it's about a monk who is forced to leave his monestary in the hills and make his way in post-apocalypse LA. Unknown to him the authorities (read androids) believe he posseses a valuable piece of information and attempt to capture him. He falls in with the political opposition who also happen to be Shakespearean actors. Fireworks ensue. While it doesn't reach the frenzied exuberance of The Anubis Gates, it still is a fun read. BTW, has anyone read the fifth Powers book? (I'm afraid I can't recall the name, but it's the one that isn't any of the following: Epitaph in Rust, The Drawing of the Dark, The Anubis Gates, Dinner at Deviant's Palace). mark