[talk.bizarre] What is mechanism for bloating of bodies after death?

richard@gryphon.COM (Richard Sexton) (12/11/89)

Herr Doktor Professor Emeritus Gyne Ward Smyth asked me to post this
to continue the fine tradition of pure scientific thought in the
USENET sci hierarchy:

In article <4246@hydra.gatech.EDU> steve%revolver@gatech.edu writes:
>     A question has arisen on one or two other newsgroups recently whose
>answer may be provided here.  It involves the decomposition of a human
>body after death.
>     What is the mechanism which causes the bloating which is observed shortly
>after death?  I think it involves anaerobic bacteria, but why do these same
>bacteria not cause bloating when the person is alive.  What has changed after
>death (beyond the obvious) that was not happening when the person was alive.
>How is the rate of decomposition affected by temperature?  Please be as specific
>as you possibly can.

Science has a theory for this which depends on the as yet unproven
existence of ``evil cells''. When a body dies, the evil cells (which
cause evil human behavior, and a few minor skin diseases) run rampant
as the bodies natural defenses are ``no longer active''. One of the
first things the evil cells do is go on holiday as they've been busy,
busy, little beavers. The preferred mode of transit
for the evil cells is little tiny hot air balloons. One of the biggest
problems in science today is where the balloons come from; traces
of them are usually very easy to detect in most humans. At any rate,
at the completion of the evil cells holiday, they leave and inhabit
some other body (Which often accounts for the mood shifts seen in
casual drug users. It is not the case that thay start using drugs
and then experience a mood swing, quite the opposite is true. They
are inhabited by evil cells, experience a mood shift, and soon thereafter
start using evil drugs) leaving behind the baloons. When the baloons
eventually deflate, the gas, which was generated from dead human tissue,
fills the body cavity.

							"Either that or
							unchecked growth 
							of anaerobic bacteria"