obnoxio@BRAHMS.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP (05/20/87)
Bravo! I like these articles. In article <3978@ihlpa.ATT.COM>, lew@ihlpa (Lew Mammel, Jr.) writes: > Indeed, they may find general support >for this attitude in the now fashionable Kuhnian outlook on the >history of science, although I think they push this approach rather >too far! "now fashionable"? Hmm. Fashionable to whom? I've never been able to figure out why Kuhn is so "fashionable". Is it because his book came out at the beginning of the sixties? Was it the phrase "Gestalt switch"? Now, I can understand why, *during* the sixties, that Kuhn would be so popular. But why today? It doesn't make sense. I've gotten the im- pression from the net that his book is the only philosophy of science book that most literate people ever end up reading. Why? ucbvax!brahms!weemba Matthew P Wiener/Brahms Gang/Berkeley CA 94720 "We can pay farmers not to grow crops, but we cannot pay artists to stop making art. Yet something must be done." --Jacques Barzun