[talk.religion.misc] Witchcraft, feminism and christianity

nazgul@apollo.uucp (Kee Hinckley) (10/01/86)

[-: a hex on the line eater :-]

Someone recently posted a query (to talk.religion or thereabouts)
about witchcraft and whether it really was about worshipping the 
devil or some such (I really don't remember the details of the 
posting).  As it happened I got my first issue of the "Utne Reader" 
in the mail yesterday, and it has several articles on witchcraft 
as it relates to feminism and christianity.  They aren't
terribly in-depth, but they do have some information on the subject.

I'm not sure if you can pick up the Utne Reader on a newsstand.  It's
a once-every-two-months magazine that contains excerpts from other
magazines, mostly of the "alternative press" type (eg. East West Journal,
The Whole Earth Review).  They mix together what they feel are the
most important/interrelated articles and publish them, along with
order information to get the original publication - kind of a Reader's
digest of the alternative press, although a bit more detailed.

If you want to order it, the address is
                        Utne Reader
                        PO Box 1974
                        Marion, Ohio 43305
and it's $18 a year (at 100+ pages/issue).

As a teaser here's the TOC for this issue (#18, Oct/Nov 86).
Cover Story
    Is idealism dead?                   April McCleary
    Dreaming the '60s                   Michael Ventura, LA Weekly
    Our moment in the sun               Abbie Hoffman, LA Weekly
    The liberated generation grows up   Jack WHalen & Richard Flacks, Journal of
                                        Political and Military Sociology
    Where have all the idealists gone?  Mother Jones and New Age Journal
    On becoming comfortable             Wallace Shawn
    Have you given up? A reader survey  SRI International

    Do we need the Democrats?           Stanley Aronowitz, The Progressive
    The G.O.P gets groovy               Bill Kauffman, Reason
    Marxism meets Madison Avenue        Martin Pedersen, The Nation
    The ten best censored stores of '85 Carl Jensen, Project Censored
    The great Third World debt caper    James S. Henry, The New Republic
    From Argentina to Iowa              Judith Hurley, Who owes whom newsletter
    Is organic agriculture a solution   Keith Schneider, Dick Russel & Noel Weyrich,
        to the farm crisis?             New Age Journal
    The new feminist spirituality       Karen Lindsey, Ms.
    Season of the witch                 Theadora Jensen, This Magazine
    Manifesto                           Wendell Berry
Note to soc.singles readers, they also discuss (and debunk) the 'man shortage'
issue that we have discussed here.

BTW, the 10 best censored stories are:
    o   The bombing of El Salvador [3000 tons of bombs since 1984]
    o   The Pentagon's [unregulated] toxic waste dumps
    o   The birth defect crisis [12% and rising]
    o   Ten years of slaughter in East Timor [1/3 of the population]
    o   American Liberty under siege [executive order 12291 and some subsequent
            ones which allow the president to nullify 'overly costly' acts of 
    o   Media merger mania
    o   The nuclear decapitation study [or why GWEN is suddenly *very* high pri.]
    o   Cover-up on Star Wars flop [ie. it hasn't worked and most say it won't]
    o   Government rips off the homeless
    o   High-tech health hazards [that's us folks]


               Apollo Computer, Chelmsford MA.  (617) 256-6600 x7587
                   or 499B Boston Rd, Groton MA. (617) 448-2863

I'm not sure which upsets me more; that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.