[talk.religion.misc] Baptist Church tries Professor for Heresy.

daveb@pogo.UUCP (10/15/86)

Heard on CNN yesterday, that the Southern Baptist Church just held a trial for
Heresy. The conservatives in the church wanted to try a Prof. Sparkman, 
who teaches at a Baptist Seminay, for writing heresy in his recent book. 
They said he wrote "that every person, regardless of race or creed, had the
the potential to be saved [from hell]". This is heresy because, as we all
know "It takes a specific and deliberate choice to be christian to be saved".
[The parts in quotes are as close to the original quotes as I could make 

For this horrible sentiment, Prof. Sparkman was to be fired from his job,
severely chastized by the Baptist Church, and face possible excommunication.
Prof. Sparkman, for his defence, argued that the people that brought the 
charges were misinterpreting his works, that he meant no such thing. 
Apparently his arguements worked, as he was found not guilty of heresy, but 
he was told by the tribunal that he was to be careful of what he writes and 
how it could be interpreted from now on.

After reading up on the Baptist Church, I don't find these sentiments 
surprizing. According to the _Ecyclopedia_Americana_, the Baptist Church is
decended from the original Puritan Church. Also according to the _Ecyclopedia_
_Americana_, part of the Original Calvinist doctrines was that all men were
doomed to hell because of Adam's and Eve's fall from grace. God though, in
his infinite generosity and love, was going to allow a very small group of 
people who have lead very saintly christian lives to ascend to heaven (No
I'm not being sarcastic, this is the way it was phrased). The rest of 
humanity would deservedly burn in Hell.

So, you more liberal Christians out there, be as generous as you like 
with your decision as to who'll go to Hell, but be careful to whom you tell
it. Remember, you too can be tried for Heresy. 

				Concerned in Portland,

				Dave Butler

    Remember: Silly is a state of Mind, Stupid is a way of Life.

    Charles Hendrick asks:
    > Why must non-Christians force Christians into an intolerant mold?
    We don't force anything Charles, we just sit back and observe.