[talk.religion.misc] ERA -- other potential consequences

hedrick@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Charles Hedrick) (10/14/86)

> Could a woman take the Catholic or Presbyterian or LDS Church to court
> because she was refused ordination?  

Just for the record, the Prebyterian Church (USA) has ordained women
for a number of years.  I know it was just an example, but ...

sunny@hoptoad.uucp (Sunny Kirsten) (10/15/86)

Since we may incarnate as one sex in one lifetime
and then may incarnate as the opposite in another,
it is totally ludicrous to discriminate on the basis of sex.
We are all the same.
Sunny Kirsten
POB 557
Monte Rio, CA 95462-0557
USENET:	{sun,ptsfa,well,lll-crg,ihnp4,ucsfcgl,nsc,frog}!hoptoad!sunny