[talk.religion.misc] Christians' ethics, if any

Satan@IBM.BIFFNET (Beelzebub) (05/13/89)

In article <1813@internal.Apple.COM> livesey@Apple.COM (John Livesey) writes:
> In article <11005@netnews.upenn.edu> duggan@eniac.seas.upenn.edu.UUCP (Paul C. Duggan) writes:
> >Ever read "the Lord of the Files"? Makes a compelling case for man's
> >
> >inherent wickedness.
> System V or BSD?
> jon.

Nah, OS/360 + JCL "Makes a compelling case for man's inherent wickedness."
Satan (That's Beelze to you bub) Strong, 
Scourge of the Spaceways, Specialist in Science on the Spot, Systems Programmer