[talk.religion.misc] Message of Islam

mmirza@grumpy.eng.ohio-state.edu (Muhammad Mirza) (12/10/90)


It is the Muslims' belief that Mohammed's (pbuh) mission was for the
world as a whole, and for all times and it is clear that:

Islam's universality has been clearly confirmed by the Quran.

It is a logical consequence of the finality of the prohethood.  A
prophet, afterwhom there was to be no other, had to be a guide and 
leader for all men and for all ages.

Allah has provided through him a complete code which man needs to
follow the right path, abd this in itself, supports the concept of
finality, because without completeness the need for other prophets
would remain, and finally

It is a fact that during the last 1400 years no man has arisen whose
life and work bears even the slightest resemblance to that of a
prophet.  Nor has anyone presented a book which could be remotely
considered as divine communication.  Still less has there been a man
to claim legitimate authority as a law-giver for mankind.


It must, at this point, be understood why the need arose for ALLAH to
communicate with man through His prophets.  This has to be examined in
the context of the sources of human knowledge.  At the preliminary
stage we gain knowledge through empirical observation.  At higher
levels comes deductive reasoning accompanied by scientific
investigation.  Man is sufficiently well equipped in these fields not
to require direct divine assistance.  Though, no doubt, there is an
ever present divine will helping man in his research and innovative
endeavors and revealing to him progressively the mysteries of His
creation.  Some gifted individuals achieve, in moments of rare
inspiration, new insights or discover new laws of nature.  But there
is another type of knowledge which is beyond the reach of our senses
or scientific study.  This sphere of knowledge does not submit to any
instrument of scientific examination.  Philosophy and science can
speculate about it.  Human theories about ultimate realities, based on
reason, never achieve the level of certainty and their authors
conscious of their limitations do not present them conclusively
proved.  In respect of these realities man is dependent on whatever
knowledge is communicated to him by ALLAH.  How is this knowledge
conveyed?  Not through the operations of some publishing house, where
books are printed and handed over to each man, with instructions to
read them, and to discover the truth about himself, about the
universe, and about the manner in which he should organize his life.
To convey this knowledge to mankind, ALLAH chooses prophets as His
messengers.  He reveals the truth to them and they communicate it to
the people.

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