[talk.politics.misc] Tenth Announced Nuclear Test, Sagan arrested

orb@whuts.UUCP (SEVENER) (10/07/86)

While the media chattered about the release of Daniloff and McNeil-Lehrer
invited Henry Kissinger (the man who advocated "Limited Nuclear War" in
the 50's and brought us MIRVed missiles as well as protracting the Vietnam
War), and Malcolm Wallop (a Senator who thinks that ALL arms control treaties
should be torn to shreds) to comment on the Daniloff trade....

While the media has also consumed several front pages now in talking about the
release of Yuri Orlov, a Soviet scientist who has worked for human rights
in the Soviet Union, .....

Virtually nobody covered the *tenth* announced nuclear weapons test this
year which was conducted last week, and the arrest of 139 American citizens,
including the American scientist, Carl Sagan, for protesting and trying
to stop nuclear weapons testing.  The New York Times *did* cover it:
on page *18* for one day:

(From the NYT October 1,1986 p A18)
    One hundred thirty-nine people, including Carl Sagan, the Cornell
    astronomer, were arrested today at the nuclear test site in a 
    protest against the nation's continued underground testing of
    nuclear weapons in the face of a Soviet moratorium.

    While the demonstration was in progress, the Department of Energy
    set off the 10th underground test of the year, 50 miles away at
    the northern end of the test site.

    Those arrested were charged with criminal trespass, a misdemeanor,
    after they crossed security barricades in an act of civil disobedience.
    They were among more than 500 doctors, nurses, other public health
    professionals and others who gathered here to protest.

    The protest was organized by the American Public Health Association,
    a 50,000 member organization consisting of health care administrators
    and professionals, in conjunction with American Peace Test, a group
    opposed to the weapons testing.

    Among those participating in the protest along with Dr. Sagan were
    Dr. Bernard Lown of the Harvard School of Public Health, co-president
    of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War;
    the American Public Health Association president, Dr. William Foege
    of Emory University, and the association's immediate past president,
    Dr. Victor Sidel of the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx.


          tim sevener   whuxn!orb