[talk.politics.misc] F.C.C. shenanigans

pmoore@jove.cs.pdx.edu (Philip Moore) (01/11/90)

The following is a letter I have sent to the chairs of the House and Senate
Telecommunications subcommittees and the chairman of the F.C.C.  I'm 
leaving room for you to pull it off and use as a form letter if you wish.
The necessary addresses are after the letter.

Dear Sir:

One of the brightest hopes for the survival of our planet is the increasing
exchange of ideas made possible by interactive telecommunications.  Modems
and fax machines were instrumental in the recent transformations of Eastern
Europe.  An educated informed citizenry has always been an understood
prerequisite for democracy.  Encouraging education and information exchange
is probably a more effective means of exporting our chosen form of government
than the recent Central American policies.  Anyone publicly pledged to 
support our Constitution should be doing everything in their power to promote
the use of data transfer lines, not discouraging information exchange with
additional charges on modem and fax usage.


1)  Chairman of the F.C.C.  2)  Chairman, Senate Communications Subcommittee
    1919 M Street N.W.          SH 227 Hart Building
    Washington, D.C. 20554      Washington, D.C. 20510

3)  Chairman, House Telecommunications Subcommittee
    B 331 Rayburn Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515