[talk.politics.misc] second CALL FOR VOTES: talk.philosophy.objectivism

bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells) (02/22/90)

[Appended to the end of this article is a list of all those who had
 voted by 2/22.-eliot]

This is the second call for votes for the newsgroup
talk.philosophy.objectivism. This newsgroup would exist for
discussion of Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand, and
related topics.

To vote for creation of the newsgroup, send e-mail to:


To vote against creation of the newsgroup, send e-mail to:


If you have trouble with the above addresses, try the following:


or, for those who can't use domain names at all:


I will accept votes sent to my personal mailbox, including
replies to this posting; but I'd really prefer it if you didn't
do that. It makes work for me and adds the possibility that I'll
misfile your vote.

I do not acknowledge votes individually; that is not very
reliable. Instead, I will post, on news.announce.newgroups, a list
of the people whose votes I've received (but not their votes)
along with the repeat of the call for votes. I have posted an
acknowledgement for all votes I've received so far.

I will issue a final call for votes in early March.

The vote will run until March 9, 1990.

Bill                    { uunet | novavax | ankh } !twwells!bill

6500gsv@ucsbuxa                         George S. Vaughan
ach@mentor.cc.purdue.edu                Joseph Poirier
ado@elsie                               Arthur David Olson
amb@cs.columbia.edu                     Andrew Boardman
ambar@ATHENA.MIT.EDU                    Jean Marie Diaz
amck@emx.utexas.edu                     Alan McKendree
ask@cblph.att.com                       Arthur S Kamlet
atrent@guardian.hf.intel.com            Adam Trent
bae@auspex.com                          Brian Ehrmantraut
bai@mssun7.msi.cornell.edu              Dov Bai
bandy@mica.berkeley.edu                 Andrew Scott Beals
baur@venice.sedd.trw.com                Steven L. Baur
bfu@ifi.uio.no                          Torfinn Ormen
bill@twwells.com                        T. William Wells
brown@walt.cc.utexas.edu                Dwight Brown
brucet@ksi.cpsc.UCalgary.CA             Bruce Thompson
cash@convex.com                         Peter Cash
cew@ISI.EDU                             Craig E. Ward
chip@tct                                Chip Salzenberg
cje@elbereth.rutgers.edu                Cthulhu's Jersey Epopt
cook@pinocchio.encore.com               Dale C. Cook
crcraig@ATHENA.MIT.EDU                  Chris Craig
dan@sci.ccny.cuny.edu                   Dan Schlitt
darcy@druid                             D'Arcy J.M. Cain
deramo@aitg.enet.dec.com                Dan D'Eramo 14-Feb-1990 2016
dricejb@drilex.DRI.MGH.COM              Craig Jackson drilex1
dupuy@hudson.cs.columbia.edu            Alexander Dupuy
dveditz@dbase.A-T.COM                   Dan Veditz
dvg0584@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu                Dirk Van Cleave
edhall@ives                             Ed Hall
ego@pawl.rpi.edu                        Erik G Olson
ele@hlwpc.att.com                       Eileen L Ejdys
elliott@optilink                        Paul Elliott x225
engelson-sean@YALE.ARPA                 Sean Philip Engelson
entropy@pawl.rpi.edu                    Illogical And
erik@naggum.uu.no                       Erik Naggum
eriksson@tree.egr.uh.edu                Bo Eriksson
evan@telly.on.ca                        Evan Leibovitch
fargo@pawl.rpi.edu                      Ethan M. Young
fitz@wang.COM                           Tom Fitzgerald
fl@tools                                Frank Lancaster
flink@cs.UMD.EDU                        Paul V Torek
frk@mtxinu                              Frank Korzeniewski
fsg@holos0                              Frank Glass
garyt@ios                               Gary Tse
geoff@pmafire                           Geoff Allen
ghattas@helios.McRCIM.McGill.EDU        Jihad Ghattas
gil@banyan.banyan.com                   Gil Pilz@Eng@Banyan
gordon@milton.u.washington.edu          Gordon Davisson
grantham@math.lsa.umich.edu             Jon Grantham
greg@phoenix.Princeton.EDU              greg Nowak
gsmith@garnet.berkeley.edu              Gene W. Smith
gws@xenitec.on.ca                       Geoff Scully
ha1003@sdcc13                           Kyle Haight
ha1007@sdcc13                           Cactus Patch Kid
hans@lfcs.edinburgh.ac.uk               Hans Huttel
heller@MIT.EDU                          Donald E. Heller
jay@splut.conmicro.com                  Jay Maynard
jdevoto@apple.com                       Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
jeff@aiai.edinburgh.ac.uk               Jeff Dalton
jeffd@ficc.uu.net                       Jeff Daiell
jejones@mcrware                         James Jones
jha@lfcs.ed.ac.uk                       Jamie Andrews
jimmason@walt.cc.utexas.edu             Jim Mason
jjd@chinet.chi.il.us                    Joe Durnavich
joe@gtenmc.GTEtele.COM                  Joe Kelsey
john@chance                             John R MacMillan
jrp@rducky                              JIM PICKERING
jvogel@jarthur.Claremont.edu            Jeff Vogel
kaminski@SCL.CWRU.Edu                   Steve Kaminski
kebera@alzabo                           Krishna E. Bera
kim@uts.amdahl.com                      Kim E. DeVaughn
kivi@watcsc.waterloo.edu                J. Kivi Shapiro
kp@uts.amdahl.com                       Ken Presting
lambert@cwi.nl                          Lambert Meertens
larry@stretch.cs.mun.ca                 Larry Bouzane
leadley@uhura.cc.rochester.edu          Scott Leadley
major@pyrmania.oz.au                    MAJOR
mbr@larch.LCS.MIT.EDU                   Mark Reinhold
merrill@bucasb.bu.edu                   John Merrill
mjones@uniplex1                         Mike Jones
morrison@ficc                           Brad Morrison
m_gramstad_t@use.uio.uninett            Thomas Gramstad
oplinger@ra.crd.ge.com                  B. S. Oplinger
palmerp@MATH.ORST.EDU                   Paul Palmer
pas@unhd                                Paul A. Sand
paul@trzdor1.ico.olivetti.com           Paul Hudson
peter@ficc                              Peter da Silva
peterson@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu               Eric J Peterson
pmontgom@math.ucla.edu                  Peter Montgomery
popelka@tank.uchicago.edu               Glenn Popelka
ppanon@undergrad.cs.ubc.ca              Paul-Andre C. L. Panon
rei3@tank.uchicago.edu                  ted reichardt
roche@cs.rochester.edu                  Jim Roche
ronald@robobar.co.uk                    Ronald S H Khoo
shafer@skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov            Mary Shafer OFV
sharon@proton.LCS.MIT.EDU               Sharon E. Perl
steve@wattres                           Steve Watt
stevew@en.ecn.purdue.edu                Steven L Wootton
tar@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu                 Tim Ramsey
tarvaine@jyu.fi                         Tapani Tarvainen
tgp@SEI.CMU.EDU                         Tod Pike
tim@toad.com                            Tim Maroney
timv@cadfx.ccad.uiowa.edu               Timothy VanFosson
tma@redwood                             Tim Atkins
tom@csustan.csustan.edu                 Tom Carter
vixie@wrl.dec.com                       Paul A Vixie
wcs@erebus.att.com                      William Clare Stewart
wilson@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu           Tom Wilson
wisner@hayes.fai.alaska.edu             Bill Wisner
wolf@xenitec.on.ca                      Dave Wolf
wyle@inf.ethz.ch                        Mitchell F. Wyle
YBMCU@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU                   Ben Yalow
zvs@melba.bby.oz.au                     Zev Sero