glasser@srcsip.UUCP (Joshua Glasser) (02/03/88)
Was-Subject: Re: Massive computer industry failures and layoff's coming soon! Posting-Front-End: GNU Emacs 18.41.16 of Tue Dec 1 1987 on pavo (berkeley-unix) Full-blown-batshit-crazy-and-still-holding-down-a-full-time-job: hee hee hee Spam-content: none O. North is obviously an Xist spy virus from the CSG!! "BOB" will have his slack! I called CNN, as per someones previous suggestion, and they denied ever reporting this! "THAT PROVES HIS GUILT" (lewis carrol) "He even looks like the kid! string him up! (anybody got some string?)" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ) ( /(_ _)\ Joshua Glasser )^\\_\-=-/_//^( Honeywell Systems and Research Center /o (@)/.\(@) o\ 3660 Technology Drive \/ ^__ ^ __^ \/ Minneapolis, MN 55418 \|\VVV/|/ (612) 782- 7517 \\AAA// \~~~/ UUCP: {ihnp4,philabs,umn-cs,mmm}!srcsip!glasser ))|(( APRA: srcsip!glasser@umn.cs.ARPA