[mod.psi] first defintion file...

dobro@ulowell.UUCP (Gryphon) (07/25/86)

Psi: (greek letter, short for "psionic" or "psychic") This is used as a
	noun to refer to a personal posessing paranormal abilites. It
	is also used as an adjective to refer to such abilites.

Ability: either a skill (learned or acquired - natural) 
	and/or a talent (gained or simply had - paranormal)
	and/or a power  (simply had - supernatural)

Paranormal: (from the Latin "beside the normal") Phenomena which appear
	to violate assumptions generally held to be true under modern
	science, but which are nevertheless presumed to follow hitherto
	unkown natural laws. [see 'supernatural']

Supernatural: (from the Latin "beyond the natural") Phenomena which
	are not subject to natural Law (known or unknown).
	The important differance between paranormal and supernatural
	is that the former is completely natural, simply not understood
	yet, while the latter is not natural.

ESP (ExtraSensory Perception): The class of psi abilities by which the
	'percipient' gathers data regarding a 'target', by other than
	'standard means'. Almost all forms of ESP exist in both
	'active' and 'passive' mode. Many ESP abilties may combine,
	the whole often being refered to as the "6th sense".

Percipient: the person employing ESP.

Target <in ESP>: the person, place, and/or object which the percipient
	is gathering information about.

Standard means: methods of gathering information that rely upon known
	physical or statistical processes, including the standard five senses.
	This also includes fraud, sensory or data leakage, etc. [see 'CT']

Active ESP: the mode of ESP where the percipient conciously and directly
	seeks certain information about the target.

Passive ESP: the mode of ESP where the recipient recieves information about
	the target without any concious action.

Precognition: the ESP ability in which information is gathered,
	and where either the target does not yet exist, or where
	the information sought about the target cannot be deduced or
	predicted by standard means.

Postcognition: the ESP ability in which information is gathered,
	and where either the target no longer exists, or where
	the information sought about the target could not be deduced
	by standard means, or gathered by another ESP ability,
	if the informations exists elsewhere.

Clair-sense: the class of ESP abilites where the information received
	by the percipient is in the form of one of the standard five senses.
	The senses are - clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairolfactory,
	clairtactile, and clairtaste.
	These abilites are most often combined with pre- or post-cognition,
	or with 'finding' (in which case it is commonly called "remote viewing")
	Again, this assumes that the percipient could not gather the data
	using standard means.

Finding: the ESP ability that deals with the detection and location of the
	target. The data received by the percipient might simply be
	distance and/or direction, or (more often) is combined with one or more
	of the clair-senses to yeild a more detailed perception.
	Again, this assumes that the percipient could not gather the data
	using standard means.

Telepathy: the ESP ability where the target is the thoughts and/or knowledge 
	of the another person. This ability can often be duplicated
	by means of other ESP abilites (eg. precog, finding).

Empathy: the ESP ability where the target is the emotions and/or feelings
	of the another person. This ability can often be duplicated
	by means of other ESP abilites (eg. precog, clair-senses).

Aura Reading: the ESP ability where the target is the aura associated with 
	a particular  person, place, and/or object.  The data gathered may
	include, but is not limited to one or more of the follwing:
		health, alingment(personality), motivations, 
		current psi abilities and levels, etc.

**: the ESP ability to gather information by using an object as focus.
	The data gathered usually pertains in some way to the object used.
	This ability is usually considered a special form of aura reading,
	but hat is not necessarily so. This, and the fact that in can often
	be duplicated by other forms of ESP (eg. postcog, telepathy, etc.)

CT (conventional theorist): Palmer (via Topher Cooper) has put forth this
	concept. I agree with his (Topher's) opinion that it is a useful,
	if extraneous, term, and have therefore included it here.
	A CT basically says that all psi phenomena can be explained
	by attributing alleged effects to subtle (or not-so-subtle)
	'mundane' causes. A CT says that all data gathered is done using
	standard means.

mundane: normal, non-psi. Used as a noun to refer to a person who has no
	psi abilities. Used as an adjective to describe somthing that
	has no psi involvement.