rick@seismo.CSS.GOV (Rick Adams) (04/08/87)
The second phase of the great newsgroup renaming is starting. As in the first phase, there was not total agreement on anything, however most people are able to live with the following naming scheme. The renaming will take place on the following schedule: April 10 Newgroup control messages go out April 15 Newgroup control messages go out again April 22 Posting to new groups may begin April 29 Old names are aliased to new names May 13 rmgroup control messages for old groups go out It is essential that sites running version 2.10.1 (or earlier) news install the small patch to inews that was posted last week. (I can mail it to you if you didn't save it.) If possible, you should install the latest release of the news software (2.11 with patch #7). If you do not, your users may be confused when they post a message to a moderated group. Version 2.11 is the only version that understands that groups can be moderated without a mod. prefix. You will note that talk.philosophy.tech has been renamed to sci.philosophy.tech. The group has shown that it is consistantly good quality and reasonably low volume and that it should not be within the "talk" category. ---rick Old Name New Name -------- -------- mod.ai comp.ai.digest moderated mod.amiga comp.sys.amiga mod.amiga.binaries comp.binaries.amiga moderated mod.amiga.sources comp.sources.amiga moderated mod.announce news.announce.important moderated mod.announce.newusers news.announce.newusers moderated mod.comp-soc comp.society moderated mod.compilers comp.compilers moderated mod.computers comp.sys.misc mod.computers.68k comp.sys.m68k mod.computers.apollo comp.sys.apollo mod.computers.ibm-pc comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest moderated mod.computers.laser-printers comp.laser-printers mod.computers.masscomp comp.sys.masscomp moderated mod.computers.pyramid comp.sys.pyramid mod.computers.ridge comp.sys.ridge moderated mod.computers.sequent comp.sys.sequent moderated mod.computers.sun comp.sys.sun moderated mod.computers.vax comp.os.vms mod.computers.workstations comp.sys.workstations mod.conferences news.announce.conferences moderated mod.graphics comp.graphics.digest moderated mod.human-nets soc.human-nets moderated mod.mac comp.sys.mac.digest moderated mod.mac.binaries comp.binaries.mac moderated mod.mac.sources comp.sources.mac moderated mod.mag.fidonet comp.os.fidonet moderated mod.mag.otherrealms rec.mag.otherrealms moderated mod.map comp.mail.maps moderated mod.music rec.music.misc mod.music.gaffa rec.music.gaffa moderated mod.newprod comp.newprod moderated mod.newslists news.lists moderated mod.os comp.os.research moderated mod.os.os9 comp.os.os9 moderated mod.os.unix comp.unix moderated mod.philosophy talk.philosophy.misc mod.philosophy.tech sci.philosophy.tech mod.politics talk.politics.misc mod.politics.arms-d talk.politics.arms-d moderated mod.protocols comp.protocols.misc mod.protocols.appletalk comp.protocols.appletalk mod.protocols.kermit comp.protocols.kermit moderated mod.protocols.tcp-ip comp.protocols.tcp-ip mod.psi misc.psi moderated mod.rec rec.misc mod.rec.guns rec.guns moderated mod.recipes rec.food.recipes moderated mod.religion talk.religion.misc mod.religion.christian soc.religion.christian moderated mod.risks comp.risks moderated mod.sources comp.sources.unix moderated mod.sources.doc comp.doc moderated mod.sources.games comp.sources.games moderated mod.std comp.std.misc moderated mod.std.c comp.std.c moderated mod.std.mumps comp.std.mumps moderated mod.std.unix comp.std.unix moderated mod.techreports comp.doc.techreports moderated mod.telecom comp.dcom.telecom moderated net.sources comp.sources.misc moderated net.sources.bugs comp.sources.bugs net.sources.games comp.sources.games moderated net.sources.mac comp.sources.mac moderated talk.philosophy.tech sci.philosophy.tech new comp.windows.misc new comp.windows.news