[mod.conferences] Call-For-Papers: 1987 Symposium on Computer Aided Learning

taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (Dave Taylor) (08/04/86)

This article is from Andrew Brooks <mcvax!aimmi!abrooks@seismo.CSS.GOV>
 and was received on Mon Aug  4 03:08:33 1986


CAL 87 31st March - 3rd April 1987  University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland


			Call for submissions

Summaries of proposed workshops and abstracts of papers (no more than 600 words)
should be sent to :-

Prof. J. L. Alty
Chair - CAL87 Committee
Turing Institute
George House
36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD

not later than 1st October 1986

If possible use A4 paper (297 by 209mm) and type in single line spacing, with 
30mm (1.1/4 inch) margins all round, with an elite typeface, block paragraphs 
(not indented) and with titles centred.

If your paper is accepted you must also submit a written paper of about 2,000 
words by 31st January 1987. A selection of these papers will be published by 
Pergamon in their international journal Computers and Education.

Provision is also to be made for both commercial and non-commercial exhibitions.

Estimated numbers attending are 450.