[mod.conferences] Conference: USENIX UNIX Performance Symposium

taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (Dave Taylor) (08/12/86)

This article is from jsq@SALLY.UTEXAS.EDU (John Quarterman)
 and was received on Tue Aug 12 07:05:36 1986

                                UNIX PERFORMANCE

          Program Committee

          -    Herb Schwetman, MCC, Chair

          -    Bob Brown, RIACS-NASA

          -    John Chambers, MCC

          -    John Quarterman, University of Texas

               On January 22, 1987, in Washington, D.C., USENIX will
          present a technical symposium (one of three on successive
          days but different topics) focusing on performance and UNIX*
          systems.  We solicit papers for presentation; topics might
          include but are not limited to the following:

          o+    performance data gathering, presentation and analysis

          o+    performance aspects of real time systems

          o+    case studies

          o+    performance prediction methodologies

          o+    techniques for improving system performance

          o+    meeting performance constraints

          o+    program performance tools (e.g., profilers, monitors,

          o+    measuring and predicting network performance

          o+    multiprocessor and/or distributed systems

          as applied to UNIX systems.

               Papers or extended abstracts are due by September 15,
          1986.  Notification of acceptance will be given by
          October 15, and camera-ready copy of accepted papers must be
          received by November 20.  Proceedings will be distributed at
          the conference.  Papers should be 8 to 12 pages in length
          and submitted to:

               Herb Schwetman
               PO Box 200195
               Austin, TX 78720

               (512) 834-3428


          *UNIX is a Registered Trademark of AT&T.