taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (Dave Taylor) (08/25/86)
This article is from Susan A. Maser <MASER@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU> and was received on Sun Aug 24 14:11:14 1986 Second Symposium on Complexity of Approximately Solved Problems April 20 - 24, 1987 Computer Science Department Columbia University New York, NY 10027 SUPPORT: This symposium is supported by a grant from the System Development Foundation. SCHEDULE: April 20 will be a tutorial day with three lectures. April 21 - 0 00017 y mod.music.lovePROGRAM COMMITTEE: R. Karp, S. Smale, J. Traub, H. Wozniakowski. TUTORIAL LECTURES: The three tutorial lectures will be: R. KARP, University of California, Berkeley Probabilistic Analysis of Combinatorial Algorithms S. SMALE, University of California, Berkeley On the Efficiency of Algorithms for Solving Systems of Equations H. WOZNIAKOWSKI, Columbia University Basic Concepts of Information-Based Complexity INVITED SPEAKERS: The following is a partial list of invited speakers: Y. ABU-MOSTAFA, California Institute of Technology I. BABUSKA, University of Maryland L. BLUM, Mills College B. BOJANOV, University of Sofia T. BOULT, Columbia University J. DEMMEL, New York University Z. GALIL, Columbia University D. JOHNSON, AT&T Bell Laboratories Z. KACEWICZ, University of Warsaw R. KARP, University of California, Berkeley K. KO, SUNY Stony Brook D. LEE, AT&T Bell Laboratories V. LUMELSKY, Yale University T. MARSCHAK, University of California, Berkeley S. MICALI, MIT C. MICHELLI, IBM M. MILANESE, Politechnico di Torino E. PACKEL, Lake Forest College C. PAPADIMITRIOU, Stanford University T. POGGIO, MIT J. RENEGAR, Stanford University T. RIVLIN, IBM D. SAARI, Northwestern University M. SCHULTZ, Yale University M. SHUB, IBM K. SIKORSKI, University of Utah M. SIPSER, MIT S. SMALE, University of California, Berkeley F. STENGER, University of Utah A. SUKHAREV, Moscow State University J. TSITSIKLIS, MIT L. VALIANT, Harvard University G. WAHBA, University of Wisconsin G. WASILKOWSKI, Columbia University A. WERSCHULZ, Fordham University H. WOZNIAKOWSKI, Columbia University A. YAO, Princeton University D. YLVISAKER, University of California, Los Angeles J. YORKE, University of Maryland All papers are by invitation. There will be no contributed paper sessions. PUBLICATION: Many of the invited papers will appear in the JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY. REGISTRATION: On April 20 - 21 the symposium will be held in the Hammarskjold Lounge on the Sixth Floor of the International Affairs Building, 118th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. On April 22 - 24 it will be held in the Kellogg Conference Center on the Fifteenth Floor of the same building. The conference schedule and paper abstracts will be available at the registration desk. Registration for the tutorial day and coffee begin at 9:00 a.m. on April 20th. Registration for the symposium and coffee begin at 9:00 a.m. on April 21st. There is no registration charge. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: The program schedule will be mailed by about March 15th to those sending their name and address to Ms. Susan Maser, the symposium's administrative coordinator. Ms. Maser may be contacted electronically at MASER@@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU, or by mail at 450 Computer Science Building, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. If you have any questions, Ms. Maser's phone number is (212) 280-8832. When requesting a program schedule, it would be most helpful if you would notify us of your plans. ( ) I will attend the tutorial day. ( ) I may attend the tutorial day. ( ) I will attend the symposium. ( ) I may attend the symposium.