[mod.conferences] Conf: Workshop on THe Use of Symbolic Methods..

taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (Dave Taylor) (11/21/86)



		    The Use of Symbolic Methods to Solve 

         Algebraic and Geometric Problems Arising In Engineering


                        will take place at the 
                      NASA - Ames Research Center 
                       Moffett Field, California 
                      on January 15 and 16, 1987 

The program will consist of the following eight main lectures:

    * H. Abelson and G. Sussman, Massachusetts Intstitute of Technology
      Dynamicist's Workbench

    * G. Blankenship, University of Maryland, College Park
      Symbolic Algebraic Methods in Robotics

    * P. Colella, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
      To be announced

    * R. Fateman, University of California, Berkeley
      Incorporating Operator Primitives in Macsyma-like Systems: 
      Prospects and Pitfalls

    * R. Grossman, University of California, Berkeley
      Symbolic Computations of Higher Order Derivations

    * P. S. Krishnaprasad, University of Maryland, College Park
      Applications of Computer Algebra Programs In Nonlinear Control
      and Filtering Problems

    * A. Odlyzko, AT & T Bell Laboratoties
      Some Applications of Symbolic Mathematics in Mathematics

    * R. Rand, Cornell University
      Perturbation Methods, Bifurcation Theory and Computer Algebra

There will also be several additional lectures and discussion sessions.

The workshop is co-sponsored by: 

NASA - Ames Research Center 
Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics 
University of California Coordinating Committee for Nonlinear Science 
SIAM Activities Group in Control and Systems Theory

For information contact: 

R. Grossman 
Department of Mathematics 
University of California, Berkeley 
Berkeley, California 94720 
(415) 642-8196 

University of California faculty members and graduate students are encouraged
to apply for travel support.