taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (01/01/87)
This article is from research!alice!kroon@seismo.CSS.GOV (Peter Kroon) and was received on Tue Dec 16 13:50:41 1986 ANNOUNCING THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SVD and SIGNAL PROCESSING to be held in Grenoble, France September 21-23 1987. CALL FOR PAPERS This international workshop on SVD and Signal Processing is sponsored by the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP). Papers are sollicited for technical sessions on the following and related topics: - Mathematical, Physical and Technical foundations of SVD. - SVD algorithms: complexity, accuracy,convergence,parallelism,adaptation, implementation. - Applications of SVD techniques in Robust Control,Broad-band matching,Model reduction, Spectrum Approximation, Array Processing, Modern Signal Processing and Image Processing. - VLSI for SVD divide/concur, systolic/wavefront architectures and partitionings fault tolerance Other topics related to SVD and its applications in all areas of fundamental and applied research are welcome. Authors are invited to submit four copies of a 4-page extended summary to K.Jainandunsing (address below) for review. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a version for publication. All regular technical sessions will be poster sessions. In addition, the workshop will include a number of invited plenary talks on topics of general interest. The deadlines are: - Submission of 4-page extended summary March 15, 1987 - Notification of Acceptance May 30, 1987 Conference Committee Chairman Ed.F. Deprettere Department of Electrical Engineering Delft University of Technology 2628 CD Delft The Netherlands Members Gene H. Golub Department of Computer Science Stanford University Stanford California 94305 Franklin T. Luk School of Electrical Engineering Center Of Applied Mathematics Cornell University Ithaca,NY 14853 Joos Vandewalle Catholic University of Louvain Department of Electrical Engineering Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94 B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium Paul van Dooren Philips Research Laboratories Avenue van Becelaere, Box 8 B-1170 Brussels, Belgium Local Arrangements J.L. Lacoume and C.Latombe Ecole Nationale Superieur d'Ingenieurs Electriciens de Grenoble Cephag Ensieg/bp 46 38402 St-Martin-d'Heres France Workshop Secretariat K.Jainandunsing Delft University of Technology Dept. of EE, Rm 16.23 Mekelweg 4 2628 CD Delft The Netherlands phone: 31-15-786057 telex: 38151 bhthd nl electronic mail address: ...!mcvax!dutentb!kishan