taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (02/18/87)
- - - AUSTRIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY (OCG) in cooperation with the AUSTRIAN SOCIETY FOR EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (GBT) 6th Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Informatics and Psychology" MENTAL MODELS AND HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION Time: June, 9 - 12, 1987 Place: Scharding (Austria) Kammer der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft CONFERENCE CHAIRMEN David Ackermann (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Michael J. Tauber (University of Pittsburgh, USA) PROGRAM COMMITTEE David Ackermann (ETH Zurich) Klaus Eyfferth (TU Berlin) Siegfried Greif (University Osnabruck) Heinz-Ulrich Hoppe (FAO/IAO Stuttgart) Friedhart Klix (Humboldt University Berlin) Andreas Meier (ETH Zurich) Jens Rasmussen (Riso National Laboratory) Gabriele Rohr (IBM Science Center Heidelberg) Helmut Schauer (TU Vienna) Michael J.Tauber (University of Pittsburgh) ABOUT THE WORKSHOP This international interdisciplinary workshop has already tradition. The workshops are established for a broad discussion of informatics problems in an interdisciplinary cooperation with psychologists. In the field of human-computer interaction, the important role of psychological research is more and more recognized. In order to find out strong design methods for the user interface, we need systematic knowledge of the relationship between a user interface and its requirements to a user. For the knowledge a user has or should have of a system, the term user's mental model becomes more and more popular. The workshop aims for a broad discussion of the mental model approach in informatics and psychology. PROGRAM Monday, June 8 20:00 Informal Meeting in the "Gasthaus zur Stiege" ---------------------- Tuesday, June 9 INTRODUCTORY SESSION: Opening and Opening Lecture Chairman: Waern, Y. (Stockholm, Sweden) 8.00 - 9.00 Registration 9.00 - 9.15 Opening 9.15 - 10.00 Ackermann, D. & Tauber, M.J. (Zurich, CH - Pittsburgh, USA) Mental Models and Human-Computer Interaction: Aim and Scope of the Conference Coffee Break 10.30 - 11.30 Invited Opening Lecture T.R.G.Green (MRC Applied Psychology Unit Cambridge, UK) Toward a Unified Conceptual Framework of Human-Computer Interaction 11.30 - 12.30 Rasmussen, J. (Riso National Lab, Denmark) Mental Models and their Implications for the Design Lunch SESSION 1: General Aspects of Mental Models Chairman: Veer, van der G.C. (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 15.00 - 16.00 Waern, Y. (University of Stockholm, Sweden) On the Dynamics of Mental Models Coffee Break 16.30 - 17.30 Hockey, B. (MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Sheffield, UK) Styles, Skills, and States: Implications of Cognitive Variability for the Role of Mental Models in HCI 17.30 - 18.30 Hagendorf, W. (Humboldt University Berlin, GDR) Human-Computer Interaction and Knowledge-Based Problem Solving 20.00 Reception and Conference Dinner (Gasthaus Forstinger) ------------------------------ Wednesday, June 10 SESSION 2: Interdisciplinary Aspects of Designing the User Interface Chairman: Hoppe, H.-U. (FAO Stuttgart, FRG) 9.30 - 10.30 Veer G.C. et al. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands) Designing for the Mental Model: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Definition of a User Interface of an Electronic Mail System 10.30 - 11.30 Wetzenstein-Ollenschlager, R. & Wandke, H. (Humboldt University Berlin, GDR) Toward Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces Coffee Break 12.00 - 13.00 Rohr, G. (IBM Science Center Heidelberg, FRG) Searching for and Operating on Data: People's Conceptual Views on Complex Data Structures and their Implication for Database - Interface Design Lunch SESSION 3: Design and Specification of the User Interface Chairman: Ackermann, D. (Zurich, Switzerland) 15.00 - 16.00 Zemanek, G.V. (IBM Science Center Heidelberg, FRG) On the Specification of Database User Interfaces 16.00 - 17.00 Hoppe, H.U. (FAO Stuttgart, FRG) A Grammar Based Approach to Unifying Task Oriented and System Oriented Interface Description Coffee Break 17.30 - 18.30 Chang, S.K. & Tauber, M.J. (University Pittsburgh, USA) Toward a UVM Based User Interface Prototyping Environment: A Unified Approach to the Implementation of User Interfaces Based on a Competent User's Conceptual Model ----------------------------- Thursday, June 11 SESSION 4: User Models, Learning, Manuals (Chairman: Green, T.R.G., Cambridge, UK) 8.30 - 9.30 Briggs, P. (MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Sheffield, UK) On the Role of the User Model in Externally and Internally Directed Learning 9.30 - 10.30 Desmarais, M.; Giroux, L. & Larochelle, S. (University Montreal, Canada) User Modelling for a Text-Editor Coach Coffee Break 11.00 - 12.00 Schindler, R. (Humboldt University Berlin, GDR) On the Relationship between a User's Self Teaching and his Knowledge 12.00 - 13.00 Rupietta, W. (Triumph-Adler, Nurnberg, FRG) Mental Models and the Design of User Manuals Lunch 14.30 - 20.30 Trip to the famous baroque monastery Engelszell on the Danube Heuriger (typical rustical Austrian dinner) -------------------------------------------- Friday, June 12 SESSION 5: Simulation of Mental Models Chairman: Schindler, R. (Berlin, GDR) 8.30 - 9.30 Ringelband, O.J., Misiak, I., & Kluwe, R.H. (University Hamburg, FRG) Mental Models and Strategies in the Control of a Complex System 9.30 - 10.30 Ackermann, D. & Greutmann, Th. (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Experimental Reconstruction and Simulation of Mental Models Coffee Break SESSION 6: Mental Models and Data Base Search Chairman: Rohr, G. (Heidelberg, FRG) 11.00 - 12.00 Linde, L. & Bergstrom, M. (University Upsalla, Sweden) An Experimental Study on Mental Models in Database Search 12.00 - 13.00 Wettler, M. (University Konstanz, FRG) Empirical Study of the Search Interview in On-Line Retrieval Lunch SESSION 7: Mental Models and Implementations Chairman: Tauber, M.J. (University of Pittsburgh, USA) 14.30 - 15.30 Begeman, M.L. (MCC Austin, USA) View Navigation: The Importance of Mental Models in Viewing Complex Information Spaces 15.30 - 16.30 Beck, H. (Scottish HCI-Center Edinburgh, UK) Interactive Decision Support System for Developing Logic Based Models 16.30 - 16.45 Closing HOW TO TRAVEL TO SCHARDING By Car: 1. Autobahn Nurnberg - Passau - (Linz) 2. B12 Munchen - (Passau) 3. Autobahn Wien - Linz - Wels - Scharding By Train: International Line Wien - Linz - Frankfurt Wien - Linz - Hamburg Next Airports: Linz (Austria) (change for Scharding: train Linz - Scharding) Salzburg (Austria) (change for Scharding: train Salzburg - Wels Wels - Scharding) SEND THIS FORM DIRECTLY TO Fremdenverkehrsverband Scharding Unterer Stadtplatz 1 A-4780 Scharding Austria ACCOMODATION RESERVATION FORM NAME: .......................................................... Name ADRESSE: ....................................................... Adress City Country ANKUNFTSTAG: .................. ABREISETAG: ................... Day of Arrival Day of Departure ICH BESTELLE: ........................... EINZELZIMMER I wish to order single rooms(s) ........................... ZWEIBETTZIMMER double room(s) PREIS-KATEGORIE o A = AS 300.-- - AS 400.-- Price category o B = AS 250.-- - AS 300.-- Preiskategorie A + B mit Bad/Dusche/WC Price category A + B with bath/shower/WC o C = AS 150.-- - AS 200.-- Preiskategorie C ohne Bad/Dusche/WC Price category C without bath/shower/WC Die Preise verstehen sich fur Ubernachtung mit Fruhstuck pro Person/Tag. The prices include accomadation and breakfast per person and night Sonstige Informationen und Wunsche: Additional informations and wishes: ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------ Datum/date Unterschrift/signature REGISTRATION FORM For further informations please contact Osterreichische Compter Gesellschaft Austrian Computer Society Wollzeile 1 - 3 A-1010 Wien Austria Tel: +43-222-512 02 35 or David Ackermann Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie ETH Zurich Nelkenstr.11 CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland e-mail: ARBEITSP@CZHETH5A or Prof.Dr.Michael J.Tauber Department of Computer Science University of Pittsburgh 314 Alumni Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA e-mail: tauber@pitt.csnet tauper@pitt.uucp 336031@pittvms.bitnet