taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (03/05/87)
---- 25-26 Mars 1987 Goteborg INVITATION TO A SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN and SHAPE PRESERVING APPROXIMATION Volvo, Torslanda, Goteborg The Department of Mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology, Volvo Data AB and the Swedish Institute of Applied Mathematics have the pleasure of inviting you to a symposium on COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN and SHAPE PRESERVING APPROXIMATION to be held at Volvo, Torslanda on March 25 and 26, 1987. A reception will be arranged on the evening of March 24. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AB Volvo, Med Dr h c Pehr G. Gyllenhammar will take part in the initial deliberations on March 25. The purpose of the symposium is to bring together users of computer aided design with mathematicians working in the fields of optimization or approximation theory. The further advance of CAD-technology requires the development of automatic procedures for the generation of curves and surfaces. This leads to difficult mathematical and computational problems, especially when one wants the object designed to have a given quality. This symposium will provide a status report on this exciting interface between CAD and mathematics. Guest speakers include: Prof. Xavier Benveniste Ecole Polytechnique and Dassault Systemes FRANCE Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dahmen Universitat Bielefeld WEST GERMANY Prof. John A. Gregory Brunel University UNITED KINGDOM Prof. Michael A. Lachance University of Michigan USA Prof. Tom Lyche University of Oslo NORWAY Prof. Charles A. Micchelli IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center USA Lennart Johansson CAE-manager Product Design Department Volvo Car Corporation SWEDEN Prof. Bjorn E. J. Dahlberg University of Goteborg and Chalmers University of Technology SWEDEN Dr Roger Andersson Volvo Data AB SWEDEN Programme RECEPTION : March 24, 7.00 - 9.00 PM, Park Avenue Hotel SYMPOSIUM : March 25, 8.15 AM, buses leave Park Avenue Hotel. Proceedings at Exhibition Hall, Volvo, Torslanda from 9.00 AM to 6.30 PM, when buses leave for Park Avenue Hotel. March 26, 8.15 AM, buses leave Park Avenue Hotel. Proceedings at Exhibition Hall from 9.00 AM to 4.30 PM when buses leave for Park Avenue Hotel and Landvetter Airport. BANQUET : March 25, 8.00 PM, Park Avenue Hotel. General information: COST : Symposium, including lunch March 25-26, SEK 250. Banquet, March 25, SEK 250. HOTEL : Park Avenue Hotel is recommended. Single room per night SEK 630 incl. Breakfast. Registration and further information: call +46-31-66 17 07 or write to: Central Services Dept 38210, HA BV S AB Volvo S 405 08 Goteborg Information on the scientific programme at the symposium can be obtained from: Dr. Roger Andersson Volvo Data AB Tel: +46-31-66 91 40. MEMO-id: VD.2930RA Prof. Bjorn E. J. Dahlberg Deparment of Mathematics University of Goteborg and Chalmers University of Technology Tel. +46-31-16 79 77. MEMO-id: VD.CTHBD