[mod.conferences] Tutorial Announcement

keith@bcsaic.UUCP (Keith Butler) (03/10/87)

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                                  TUTORIAL ANNOUNCEMENT-

                          Monday, April 6, 9:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
                             CHI + GI 1987 Conference, Toronto
                      Sponsored by ACM SIG Computer/Human Interaction

                 Keith Butler         John Bennett          John Whiteside
                  Boeing ATC          IBM Research           DEC Software


                    This half-day tutorial presents a systematic method for
               developing usable systems and products.  The approach is
               based on the theory and applications of the Usability Goals
               Methodology (Bennett, 1984; Gilb, 1984; Butler, 1985; :&
               Good, et al., 1986).  It includes specification of user
               performance objectives as system attributes, techniques for
               conducting and reporting usability tests, and tools for
               management visibility.  Each stage will be illustrated with
               case histories from major corporations.  Participants will
               work on an exercise based on an electronic messaging
               system project.

               INTENDED AUDIENCE

                    Development managers of user-interactive systems and
               products, human factors managers who support software
               development, technical leads on user interface projects, and
               customers who set objectives or evaluate proposals from
               large vendors.

               THE INSTRUCTORS

                    Tutorial instruction will be a collaborative effort
               based on experiences from IBM, DEC, and Boeing.  Butler,
               Bennett, and Whiteside have each served in both technical
               and managerial roles within their companies.  Bennett is
               credited with bringing the Usability Goals Methodology to
               computer/human interaction designing.  Butler and Whiteside
               have been applying Usability Goals for several years within
               Boeing and DEC, respectively.  The instructors are authors
               and editors of numerous papers, articles, and books on
               computer/human interaction.


		    Contact SIGCHI Conference Management 
               (212) 869-7440.