[mod.conferences] PC Symposium in Brussels

taylor@hplabsc.UUCP (04/13/87)

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            This is  an announcement of  the ECA-Symposium  on Standards
         and Interfaces in Personal Computing.   It is to be held on May
         21-22,  1987,  in Brussels,  Belgium.    It is organized by the
         European CAMAC Association,  ECA,  and sponsored by the Commis-
         sion of European Communities.

         1.1 Purpose of the Symposium

            This symposium is aimed at  identifying and promoting future
         areas of  standardisation in the  field of  personal computing.
         With the future in mind,  attention is concentrated on the more
         powerful personal  computers and  the more  affordable personal
         workstations which  will become  common-place in  the academic,
         commercial  and industrial  environment.   The  power of  these
         devices will be  exploited by the promotion  of interface stan-
         dards which will lead to the full integration of powerful hard-
         ware, well engineered software, graphics and communications.

         1.2 General Information

            The  symposium is  one of  an  ongoing series  of real  time
         instrumentation and  computing topics and  is sponsored  by the
         ESONE Committee of European Laboratories.   It is to be held at
         the Flemish Free University in  Brussels.   The language of the
         symposium will be English.   Abstracts of papers are planned to
         be available at the symposium whilst  the proceedings are to be
         subsequently published by a reputable journal.   Copies will be
         available to  participants for  a relatively  small sum  whilst
         fees for attendance are not anticipated.

            Reasonable hotel  accomodation is available in  Brussels but
         participants are advised to make early application,  mentioning
         the symposium to:

              Tourist Information Service
              Grand Place 1
              B-1000, Brussels
              Tel. (02) 2305029 Telex: TGBRU-B65206.

         1.3 PROGRAMME

            The programme will  consist of invited papers  from interna-
         tional experts and a poster exhibition.   The programme for the
         two days is:

         -   Introduction and welcome by  EEC representative,  Jan Rouk-
         -   The Past and Future Development  of Personal Workstations -
             Maurice Wilkes FRS.
         -   Object Oriented Languages - Doug Shepherd.
         -   Network File Systems - Alec Ojadjinski.
         -   Integrated Voice and Data Networking - Michael Salmony.
         -   Future Bus Structures for 32  bit Personal Computers - Wal-
             ter Fink.
         -   Advantages of RISC Architectures - Steve Thurber.
         -   The Human Interface, An Overview - Najah Naffah.
         -   A.I.  Techniques in Man-Machine  Communications - Jean-Paul
         -   MS-DOS and MS-Windows as PC Standards - Joachim Kempin.
         -   AT&T Unix Standards - Andrew Rifkin.
         -   Committee Suport System - Jorg Hahn.
         -   "ANSA Project" - Andrew Herbert.
         -   Software Integration - Rudolf Marty.
         -   Portable Common Tool Environment - Ian Cambell.
         -   "Computer Aided Design - Speaker from Recal-Redac.
         -   Laservision ROM - M. Derkseme

            If you wish to attend,  please  return the following form to
         Mrs H. Pilwat.

              Mrs. Helene Pilwat
              KFA Julich
              Zent. fur Elektronik
              Postfach 1913
              D-5170 JULICH
              Tel: 02461 61 6521
              Telex: 833 556

                   Name                                         Initials




                   Postal code


                   O   I am planning to attend the symposium
                   O   I will submit a paper to the poster exhibition
                       Tentative title:

                 Ian Willers, chairman organizing committee.
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