[mod.music.gaffa] Virgin Prunes...

hofmann@AMSAA.ARPA (James B Hofmann) (09/02/86)

I saw that Touch and Go, a minor good-natured independent out
of the Detroit area but moving to New Jersey, has two Virgin
Prune LP's added to it's catalog - for the stunning price of
six buckeroos postage paid (if my memory serves me well - and
if anyone knows my memory it's ain't too stiff) in case anyone
was a Princess Tinymeat completist - Earle sez they're godhead
and now you kin check it out sans high import prices, kay?

Speaking of imports, it seems a HUGE majority of records made,
say, in the UK do in one form or another fall under major label
auspices - will this mean a new breed of smugglers will rise
to fight the EVIL CONGLOMORATE?  Stay tuned, same Bat-time,
same Bat Channel...