ins_aset@jhunix.UUCP (Susanne E Trowbridge) (10/02/86)
Gee, here at JHUNIX, it takes forever for the love-hounds digest to reach us, so that by the time an intriguing topic comes along, everybody has already put their .02 in. >Instead of "Which is better, The Dreaming or Hounds of Love?" try... >1) Which is more industrial, Throbbing Gristle or Einsturzende Neubauten? EN. Hey, even TG had some "nice" songs like "Hot on the Heels of Love" but I have never heard anything very tuneful by EN. >2) Which is more satanic, Diamanda Galas or Current 93? Diamanda! Geez! Talk about painful to listen to. She sings from the Old Testament; nasty stuff. >7) Which is more wimpy, Wimpy Houston or Lionel Wimpie? Lionel...just listen (if you can bear it) to "Hello" or "Ballerina Girl," or that horrid song he does with Alabama on his new LP. The man is a menace to society. >8) Which is more slutty, Madonna or Cyndi Lauper? Oh, Cyndi's not that slutty, even though she hangs around with wrestlers. I'd love to do something constructive and review some new records, but I haven't had time to listen to anything recently. I do have the records, though, so I could review their covers... NEW ORDER, "Brotherhood." Really boring cover. Kind of light blue with some words on it. Even worse because Warner Bros. stuck one of those huge unremovable stickers with the song titles on it, since New Order are too "cool" to actually put the titles on the sleeve. THE MIGHTY LEMON DROPS, new LP. Just has a black cover with their faces on it. DANIELLE DAX, new 12". Really great cover. Her covers always are, though. I did listen to this once and it was not that exciting. I'd love to know who does her makeup. Yours in silliness, -Sue PS. Doug, tell your officemate that I received his note, and I tried to write back, but I don't know if the ARPA address will work. Tell him to send me a UUCP address if he doesn't get my reply.