earle@smeagol.UUCP (Greg Earle) (11/08/86)
Bill, I have some 1919 stuff. It came out in 83 or 84, I think (memory is cloudy). Off the cuff, I think I recall a couple of 7" ers and 1 or 2 12". No LPs. You're right, they reminded me of old Killing Joke primarily. What the %^$#&^ is this `library' you're talking about? Re: SPK I still can't remember the title but it's subtitled Songs Of The Byzantine or something like that. Yes, it is a little smooth in a couple of places but they aren't many (the piano just doesn't fit) and the rest is truly awesome. We'll be playing it in the Club tomorrow night (Sat. 11/8). Sorry, Mr. Juitt, but Hof isn't the only one who finds Mr. Hitchcock basically average with some occasional good toons ... New Alien Sex Fiend LP `IT' is another great one from ASF ... I can't figure out why it is that prople will go apeshit over the Cramps (the Cramps of the 50's and 60's), I mean I like them too, don't get me wrong; but they're basically apathetic to Alien Sex Fiend who are the high-tech Cramps of the 80s. They're just as much trash, thrash, and garbage-rock, out for a laff types as the Cramps but it seems like I'm the Last Living American Alien Sex Fiend fan ... oh well it's yer loss mateys buy their newest 12" `Smells Like Shit' and see what I mean ... I forgot to mention the other day there's a new Hula 12" `Black Wall Something' I forgot the third word sorry ... A side isn't too exciting compared to their recent stuff (`Freeze Out' stomps on it), B sides I haven't heard yet ... I saw New Order at the Palace Tuesday ... Yow, welcome to Normality Central I mean jeez even the Wavos didn't show up for this one. Suffice it to say that New Order '86 is occasional moments of brilliance dulled with excessive amounts of boredom ... Note that the brilliant moments/boring moments are neatly cleaved between their old material (pre-83) and the newer stuff, yawn. Of course all the UCLA student looking types ate up all the `Brotherhood' shit. For me the only redeeming features were `Ceremony' `Everything's Gone Green' `Leave Me Alone' and a blistering version of `Temptation' otherwise it was all a blurrrr of blandness. Bernard actually broke into a dance which shocked the hell out of me, and I called out for `Dead Souls' but it didn't work :-) Next up Durutti Column (fronted by music's most famous Anorexic, Vini Reilly) with Abecedarians this Sunday. Of course, after Club Nichtophobia & Factory! BCingU