[mod.music.gaffa] more lines eK-sTracted from the white noise of the new music awards


Raffles and Giro having nodded themselves dizzy,
they determined to confront their mistress with
the evidence of her undignified display before
the entire American people. (Well, you can't expect
giraffes -- let alone British giraffes -- to
understand the principles of American cable television and the
true implications of the term "USA Network".)
Giro spoke first, and crossly, or as crossly as was feasible while
simultaneously chewing choice herbage from the high branches of East
Wickham Wood.

"Kate, you ought really to be ashamed of yourself,munch, munch,
really you ought."

As, however, Kate demonstrated not the least degree
of shame in her unprintable rejoinder, Giro lapsed
into a pouty binge of feeding. Next came Raffles's opportunity
to make the woman see reason.

"Pigtails! And you might also be made aware that your silly
impression of Tracey Ullman doing Margaret Thatcher, while mildly
diverting, failed entirely to win you any new fans in the States,
of that you may be certain.
I think  -- Giro, leave something up there for shade, or we'll soon
be left with no ivy to go under at all -- I think you had
best send them a formal apology, and post haste. You
can send it on straight away and have done with it. And while
you're at it --- "

At that moment an ear-splitting, terrifying scream put a
premature end to Raffles's peroration, and sent the trio
fleeing to the cellar, where they joined Noah and the
rest of the animals in the SBS (Sonic Bomb Shelter).

What will happen to Kate and her friendly menagerie in the
next exciting episode of "Plugging Ears Against the Painful Cries
of Mothers, or 'Cor! Wot a bleedin' big baby! Unh!"?