Love-Hounds-request@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (12/02/86)
Really-From: Jim Hofmann <> quotations from an interview in A/A (50 cents to carl howard 209-25 18 avenue bayside new york 11360) with Mike Gira, motivating force behind the SWANS. No copyright information given. on SWANS/SONIC YOUTH comparisions from critics: "We're friends - that's about the extent of the comparison. Especially as we've developed recnetly. we're less similar. I guess that's part of our mutual fault, because we supported each other so much a couple of years ago, played together so much just because there was no one else in New York whom either of us liked. on publishing in FORCED EXPOSURE "I sort of regret doing that. I hated the context that it appeared in. It's a music magazine, and I shouldn't have put my writing in there. As far as pornography goes... that would be nice. For someone to say that they could get the same direct sexual stimulus that they get from pornography, that would be good. I mean, that's not my influence, but it's part of it." ??? on the collaboration (on cassette) with LYDIA LUNCH "I hope ['s still not around...] I think some of the ideas were good but the writing was pretty shoddy. It's its own fault that it's mis- interpreted as cheap shock. That's something to steer away from....because I've heard of people in other parts of the country who listen to the tape at parties and giggle and snicker. Disgusts me. on rock critics: "There are so few critics who seem to have done any living whatsoever - they don't have any understanding of what it takes to conceive of something, making it, going through the whole process and struggle to put it out. They just assume that everything fits into their convenient historical perspective, whereas exactly the oppisite is usually true. No artist or musician would ever think in those terms. But critics always write as if everyone does. One critic for ZigZag said we were "slummy" - that we were rich boys playing around with being dangerous. I'd read this of course just after I'd gotten my stinking construction job, so that once in a while I'd be able to eat. I'd been working for five years putting every cent I had into it [ the music]. I would just LOVE to beat that guy's face in. INTERVIEWER: He probably has more money than you do. GIRA: I'm sure he does - at least he gets paid for what he does. Then some writer from Melody Maker said, Why don't these Americans go back to America and take Ronald Reagan with 'em? Who the hell do they think they are? We don't want their "hardcore" (as if we're hardcore), we don't want this shit that sounds like Black Sabbath. Then it turns out he had a gripe with Steve and he was just using us as devices. But he chickened out - he wouldn't confront me face to face. So that's the nature of that. And what's really despicable is that sort of confessional school of writing where the critic embellishes it with his own personal experience. But if any thinks what we compromised something because we did a dance thing, that's just stupid. It assume that we are advocating something in the first place. Like, what was Muddy Waters advocating? That's the most valuable thing about music - the emotion that's contained. I get much more out of someone just singing than someong just screeching adolescent dogma. Like Aretha Franklin- I'm not saying she's great NOW - but she was a good singer. Johnny Cash... that's the kind of music *I* like. We just use the technology we use because it's necessary in making what we want to hear." As of JULY 17, Gira was in london finishing a SWans video. Jarboe and he will both be doing solo albums in August. Next Swans record in Sept-Oct. Two "live" albums from the Europe tour. And now the latest news: Gir's been offered book publication with the same company that does Henry Rollins.