[mod.music.gaffa] sue's removal

Love-Hounds-request@EDDIE.MIT.EDU.UUCP (12/05/86)

Really-From: William LeFebvre <phil@rice.edu>

>From Susanne E Trowbridge <ins_aset%jhunix.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
>>From: wicinski <wicinski@nrl-cst.arpa>
>>while doug's whining about getting mail complaining about the
>>sue/tim/jim debate, I was getting a bunch of mail that was the only
>>interesting thing happening in love hounds.  They all had suggestions,
>>mainly along the lines of "Put a gag in her mouth and set the bitch
>>on fire."
>Doug, please remove me immediately from this mailing list.
>While it has been a (mostly) fun experience to participate in
>love-hounds, this is really the last straw.

I would suggest removing wicinski from the mailing list instead!
Personally, he has done very little to encourage my desire to read
Love-Hounds (a.k.a. "mod.music.gaffa", which is how I read it).  I even
went so far as to put his name in my rn "kill" file so that I would
never have to read his drivvel again.  But then, just after that,
nessus changed the format of the messages and the "kill" file doesn't
catch those messages anymore.  Oh well......  There's still the "n" key.

And if wicinski doesn't like this message, then he can put a gag in his
mouth and set himself on file.

			William LeFebvre
			Department of Computer Science
			Rice University