[mod.music.gaffa] kateisgodkateisgodkateisgodkateisgodkateisgodkateisgodkateisgodkateis

Love-Hounds-request@EDDIE.MIT.EDU.UUCP (04/05/87)

Really-From: IED0DXM%UCLAMVS.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu

>And many thanks for the list, I had no idea it would be so long.  I
>assume the accessable instances are:
>>Peter Gabriel, on "No Self Control" and "Games Without Frontiers", PG3;
>>Zaine Griff, on "Flowers" (dedicated to Lindsay Kemp), 1981 LP Figures;
>>Peter Gabriel, on "Don't Give Up", from 1986 LP So;
>>Big Country, on "The Seer", from 1986 LP The Seer;
>>Go West, on "The King is Dead", from forthcoming LP;
Yes, except that it's hard to find the Griff LP nowadays,
and the Go West LP (tentatively titled "Dancing on the Couch")
has been delayed -- now not scheduled till the summer, due
to illness in the "band".

Those wishing to understand how Kate could associate herself
with Go West, here is the most likely reason: Alan Murphy,
a highly sought-after guitarist who has worked very very often
with Kate over the years, is practically a third member of Go West,
according to the duo. He co-wrote three of the songs on their
new LP. If Murphy asked Kate to help with the record, Kate might
very well have agreed for friendship's sake.

Kate's track on the LP, "The King Is Dead", is the stylistic
exception from the rest of the album's ultra-high-tech pop formula,
being a "slower, jazzier" ballad, with percussion derived from a
jazz-brush-on-snare-like sound produced originally by rubbing
pants-legs together in a broom-closet.

>(video tape rental)
>>Maurice Jarre, on theme from 1981(?) movie "The Magician from Lublin";
>>Michael Kamen, on theme from 1985 movie "Brazil";

Woah, there, compadre! Don't go buying any video-tapes of "Brazil"
for Kate's track -- it's not on it. Her cover of the theme was
recorded after the movie had been out for some time, and was
made exclusively for the soundtrack LP, which, as we all know,
never materialized.
Of course, "Brazil" is worth buying anyway, just for itself --
one of the top five movies of the decade.

>If you can think of a better way of distinguishing what I might find worth
>listening to, please give it a try...

Actually, IED can. The best way for all the Love-Hounds to
become equally cognizant of each other's musical preferences
would be for each L-H to compile representative tracks of his
recommended music, and circulate it through the mail to another
L-H, who in turn would start his own tape into cirKulaTion.
IED would be more than happy to join in such a projeKT. The
Australian publishers of the Aussie KT zine "Dreamtime" organized
a similar traveling Video-tape of Kate's videos, and it was a
huge success. The main advantage is that no-one would have to
pay more than two or three dollars for each tape and postage.

>From: ed191-bq%violet.Berkeley.EDU@berkeley.edu (Taylor)
>Subject: Kate and her fans
>Although IED denies Doug's interpretation of "Hounds of Love,"
>partly on the basis of what she said to him during his interview,
>let's not forget what she said in the last KBC newsletter about
>being overly polite in interviews, or being careful not to offend,
>or even saying things that she doesn't even believe (or even resorting
>to run-on sentences...).
>I still think that Kate's fans either
>a) terrorize her with their fanaticism
>b) make her feel guilty for not being able to treat each one as
>   if they are the true and only fan.
>As they say, actions speak louder than words - and Kate's actions
>at both the convention and the video party (from what I gather from
>Lisa's bit in the newsletter) both scream out that although she
>appreciates the love and concern of her fans, she is basically a
>very shy and private person who just wants to be left along to pursue
>her music.
>-- Hugh

Well, all IED can say is that it's as if we weren't sitting
next to each other at the same convention, Hugh.
As far as IED could see, the fans were unbelievably well behaved
and polite, even at the end, when she came on stage and alot of
people naturally rushed forward: they rushed, but no-one got too
close, and everyone remained basically very calm and courteous.
Kate surely was well prepared for an excited reaction, and she
didn't seem particularly nervous at all. In fact, compared to
some of her on-camera interviews, she seemed positively relaxed.

Your b.) choice (that it makes her feel guilty) sounds very
plausible, though, IED will admit. Very much in character. But
that's got nothing to do with |>oug's interpretation of a "love-hate"

As for her not wanting to offend at interviews, that would mean
that the fact that she DID go so far as to categorically deny
the validity of many of |>oug's ideas to his face was evidence
that she thought his interpretations SO inaccurate that she simply
had no choice but to object. You can't have it both ways.


Serkin's 1968/69-ish recording of the 2nd concerto with Szell and
the Cleveland is far and away the most powerful, explosive and
terrifying version on disk. The climax of the first movement has
never been done as well before or since; although Fleischer and
Furtwangler did an amazing live recording in Berlin during WWII
with terrible technique and tons of German coughing from the audience,
but unbelievable conviction.
IED will admit that Serkin's concert performances tend to be
awful nowadays, but his Beethoven and Brahms recordings of the
late sixties-early seventies are extremely strong.

>p.s. About this new tone of complete reconciliation and general
>emotional tippytoeing in this group...it's gotta go.  How else are we
>to convince the outside world (read: net) that this isn't just another
>mutual appreciation society?  So howabout it, guys?  Maybe the dynamic
>duo at NRL can revert to their old personalities on, say, Thursdays?
>Once in a while, it helps to remove the "analysis" from "critical
>analysis", eh?
>Can anyone confirm this?

Well, IED would be happy to start accepting abuse from the
rest of L-Hs again, under one condition: that once in a while
you add a little addendum saying it's all in jest and actually
you think he's a great guy! You don't really want to hurt anyone's
feelings, now, do you?