[mod.music.gaffa] IED's demise?

Love-Hounds-request@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (04/16/87)

Really-From: Sue Trowbridge  <ins_aset%JHUNIX.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>

>Really-From: IED0DXM%UCLAMVS.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu

>OK, IED believes you, Sue!! Halelujah, KhrisT be praised!
>YET ANOTHER BONUS KATE TRACK!! How have we come to deserve
>such heavenly bounty, oh Saviour?
>(But if you turn out to be wrong about this, Sue...If IED doesn't
>receive that new KT track by June 1, 1987....KhrisT WILL TAKE HIM

But the film isn't even going to be released until mid-June!
I am afraid that this ensures your death! Unless the soundtrack
is released in advance of the film, of course. Gee, we'll
miss your interview transcriptions! :-)

"She's Having A Baby" will also sport a new song by Bryan "I'll
Do Anything For A Shot At U.S. Success" Ferry. My hopes are
not high, frankly. Rolling Stone reports that he is working with
(eeeeuch) MADONNA for his forthcoming album! God, how disgusting.
Hero takes a fall, indeed.

Re: the Kate promo cd.
>If you find an extra one, could you PLEASE let IED know??
>He will forever pledge his troth unto you, or whatever...

Glad you finally found one -- so did I! It will doubtless
be added to future "100 Most Collectible Kate Items" lists...
IED, perhaps you could post *your* list of, say, the 10 or
15 rarest artifaKTs (I think 100 is a bit excessive).

And now, my nomination for the Kinkiest Ad Campaign of 1987.
I couldn't believe the huge banner I saw on a Washington D.C.
Wendy's -- NIBBLE WENDY'S HOT AND JUICY. Now, tell me there's
no double-entendre in THAT!


"when I'm hot, I feel hot
 when I'm cold, I feel ambitious"